Ahead of the next full trailer dropping tomorrow, Sony has released a new promo for their next Spider-Man spinoff movie, Morbius. Originally set for release in summer 2020, the Jared Leto vehicle has been shifted around the schedules a few times but seems locked into its current release date next January. With just a couple more months to go until it finally gets here, then, check out this new featurette above, which sees the film’s star introduce us to Dr. Michael Morbius.
If you’re not familiar with the character, Morbius, AKA the Living Vampire, is a brilliant scientist suffering from a rare blood disease which he attempts to cure with an experimental procedure using vampire bat blood that transforms him into a creature of the night. “He’s got some unique powers,” Leto teases in this featurette, over a clip of the anti-hero utilizing his echolocation abilities. “But his powers seem to be beyond his control.”
Leto goes on to talk of how he was drawn to such a “transformational” character and describes how “intensely physical” the role was as Morbius goes from being “at his most frail” to “his most monstrous.” As for where his future in Sony’s universe could take him, Leto drops a knowing reference to the studio’s plans to connect everything up. “There’s a web of opportunity”, he says.
Also showcased in the footage is Adria Arjona as Martine Bancroft, Michael’s fiancée. The cast also includes Tyrese Gibson as FBI agent Simon Stroud, who’s on Morbius’ tail, and Matt Smith as Loxias Crown, an old friend of Morbius’ who suffers from the same disease. He’s set to be the film’s main villain. Remember, Michael Keaton’s in this, too, reprising his MCU character Vulture. Maybe we can expect to glimpse further crossovers in tomorrow’s trailer.
Morbius opens in theaters January 28, 2022.