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Watch Tom Cruise Get Dressed In Latest Jack Reacher Clip

The expectations for the upcoming "One Shot" adaptation Jack Reacher are notoriously mixed. Some are saying, "Hey, won't you just give Tom Cruise a chance?", whilst most are saying, "What the hell is Tom Cruise doing in this? Please, God, give me an answer. Why won't you give me an answer?"

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The expectations for the upcoming One Shot adaptation Jack Reacher are notoriously mixed. Whilst some are saying, “Hey, won’t you just give Tom Cruise a chance, please?”, most are shouting, “What the hell is Tom Cruise doing in this? Don’t you know Jack Reacher is massive? Like, huge. Haven’t you read the source material? Please, God, give me an answer. Why won’t you give me an answer? Hello?”

Putting all that height-based controversy aside, though, we’ve got a new clip to show you, one that introduces Jack Reacher as if he’s some sort of demi-God in a leather jacket. Not only do the two agents discussing him here sound as though they’ve both slept with the guy, Jack even attracts the attention of a check-out girl just by paying for some clothing and making a donation, gestures which prove he’s both handsome and concerned about the planet.

The only thing missing from this clip is a line they should have included when Jack Reacher strolls in like he owns the place. “I thought you’d be taller,” quips Richard Jenkins (in my mind), to which audiences all over the world laugh at the sheer knowingness of such a joke and everything is forgiven. Unfortunately Tom Cruise’s contract doesn’t permit those kind of jokes to be made, which basically means you’ll just have to think about it for the whole movie. Remember thinking? It was quite popular before we had movies and stuff.

Jack Reacher Tom Cruises into theatres on the 26th December 2013.

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