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Wesley Snipes Plays Coy When Asked About Possible Blade Return

When asked about potentially returning as Blade one day, Wesley Snipes played coy, dodging the question and refusing to give a straight answer.

Wesley Snipes in Blade

With last year marking the 20th anniversary of Blade, many fans found themselves rewatching the film and most of them came to two conclusions. The first is that it’s still a fantastic movie and arguably the first modern superhero pic, going on to become a prototype of what would eventually be the MCU style of comic book adaptation. But beyond that, everyone realized how much they miss Wesley Snipes as the vampire hunter.

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Thankfully, we may not have to miss him for too much longer, as the actor’s hinted on numerous occasions now that he’s been talking with Marvel about some kind of return. Though in recent months, he’s seemingly quieted down on the matter and as of yet, we’ve heard nothing official from the studio.

That doesn’t necessarily mean things have fallen through, but when asked once again if he’ll be returning to the role earlier this week, Snipes played coy, dodging the question and simply saying: “Daywalker clique, baby.”

It’s not very much to go on, and doesn’t really signify a confirmation or denial of anything, but we’re still of the belief that something’s in the works. After all, it was only a few months ago that he gave us a longer and more optimistic answer in an interview with Vice, saying:

“All the main execs [at Marvel] and my team, we’ve been discussing for the past two years. Everyone’s enthusiastic about it, everybody gets it. But they got a business to run and they gotta square the things that they gotta figure out before they can get to it, I guess. In the meantime, we got a business to run and our own slate of things to do so…

But the next time you see something in [the Blade universe], mark my words: what we did before is child’s play compared to what we can do now.”

That certainly sounds a lot more promising, but then again, even if Blade ever did enter the franchise, it wouldn’t necessarily be Snipes playing him. Retroactively integrating the first three films into the MCU could prove to be a continuity nightmare and as such, there’s been some speculation that Eric Brooks’ teenage daughter Fallon Grey might be the saga’s Blade equivalent instead.

Clearly, there’s more than a few ways that things could go, but so long as we’re in the habit of rebooting late-’90s vampire-slayer properties, surely Kevin Feige and co. can find a way to bring Blade into this ever-expanding universe.

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