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How Will Rey Factor Into Snoke’s Masterplan In Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

Though he's bound by nine kinds of NDA, Andy Serkis recently touched on Rey and how she fits into Snoke's ultimate plan in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

“I need someone to show me my place in all of this.”

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Daisy Ridley’s Rey, the Jakku orphan who helped usher in a new generation of heroes through The Force Awakens, looks set to experience something of an existential crisis in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Caught between the First Order and the “vulnerable” Resistance, last we checked in on Ridley’s heroine she had made contact with Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Master who has spent years in exile following the destruction of his Jedi Academy, presumably at the hands of Kylo Ren.

But when it comes to Rey, in particular, The Last Jedi‘s blistering full trailer hinted at a potential dark turn for Daisy Ridley’s fan-favorite. Either that, or the video editors at Lucasfilm are purposely keeping Star Wars fans on their toes with a bout of clever editing. Because let’s face it, there’s a good chance that final shot is either lifted out of context, or edited in such a way that it looks like Rey and Kylo Ren are talking to one another, when in reality they’re actually speaking to another character in The Last Jedi‘s final cut.

Chalk that up as conjecture for now, as it’s unlikely Lucasfilm will divulge any new information prior to December 15th. But that won’t stop outlets from prying away anyway. Take IGN, for instance, who recently caught up with Andy Serkis (Supreme Leader Snoke) to discuss The Last Jedi‘s show-stopping trailer, along with J.J. Abrams circling back to helm the untitled Episode IX.

But on the topic of Rey and how she fits into Snoke’s overarching masterplan, Serkis remained mum:

Oh man, that’s so confidential I can’t possibly talk about it. I’m sorry [Laughs], I would love to tell you…. All I can say is you’re onto something.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens December 15th. Assuming those mooted reports hold true, Disney and Lucasfilm may well strike while the iron is hot and unveil the first teaser trailer for Ron Howard’s Han Solo spinoff at that time, too, which is now going by the official title, Solo: A Star Wars Story.

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