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Will Smith Assures Fans That His Genie In Aladdin Will Indeed Be Blue

Disney is currently on a winning streak when it comes to their live-action adaptations.  Cinderella, The Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast have all raked in the cash at the box office. Coming down the line are Dumbo, The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, but one of the most interesting is Guy Ritchie's Aladdin. Aside from a teaser trailer, we've only caught glimpses of what's coming down the line - until today. Disney has unveiled their live-action Genie - famously played by Robin Williams in the animated original and Will Smith in this remake - and fans aren't exactly happy with what they've seen.

Disney is currently on a winning streak when it comes to their live-action adaptations. Cinderella, The Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast have all raked in the cash at the box office, and coming down the line are DumboThe Lion King and The Little Mermaid. But one of the most interesting is Guy Ritchie’s Aladdin.

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Aside from a teaser trailer, we’ve only caught glimpses of what’s in store – until today, that is. Disney recently unveiled their live-action Genie – famously played by Robin Williams in the animated original and Will Smith in this remake – and fans aren’t exactly happy with what they’ve seen. The big sticking point, of course, is that Smith’s Genie isn’t bright blue.

One of the most striking features of Robin Williams’ Genie was how he stood out so much from the dusty yellow and brown surroundings of Agrabah, but judging by these pictures, they seem to be going with a more naturalistic approach for this effort. It should also be noted that the stage adaptation of the film eschews the blue skin as well, so perhaps Disney’s taking inspiration from that?

Hearing the chorus of disapproval from fans, Will Smith has now taken to Instagram to assure us that he will indeed be blue at various points in the movie, saying:

“BAM!! First look at the Genie, Princess Jasmine, and Aladdin. Check me rockin’ the Top Knot Ponytail Vibes in Entertainment Weekly (and yes, I’m gonna be BLUE!) … This is how the Genie is in Human/Disguise form. My character will be CGI for most of the movie.”

Now, you’d be forgiven for thinking that if the character really will be blue for quite a lot of the film, then why didn’t they just show us that look and not have to deal with this whole mess? Well, apparently, it’s because the CGI effects aren’t finished yet. With the movie set to hit cinemas on May 24th though, I’m sure there’s going to be a full Aladdin trailer sooner rather than later, and I’m sure the Genie will be blue as hell in it.

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