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The Wonder Woman 1984 Cast Channel The Breakfast Club With New Pic

The core cast of Wonder Woman 1984 (and Patty Jenkins!) roll back the years with today's vintage new photo, which comes to us by way of CBM.

The core cast of Wonder Woman 1984 roll back the years with today’s vintage new photo.

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Embedded below, here we see Gal Gadot and the gang – namely Chris Pine (Steve Trevor), Pedro Pascal (?), Kristen Wiig (Cheetah) and writer-director Patty Jenkins – recreating The Breakfast Club‘s signature pose. And all of a sudden, we’re back in the ’80s, listening to Simple Minds’ iconic power ballad “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” blaring over the speakers.

So while Warner Bros. isn’t ready to premiere any tangible footage – you know, beyond the walls of San Diego Comic-Con – this admittedly blurry photo will no doubt stir excitement across the Internet, as we await Diana’s second solo adventure in a post-Justice League world.

No word on exactly where this photo is from, or if it’s simply been posted via one of the actor’s Instagram feed, but we’ll update the article once we locate the true source. Hat-tip to CBM for spotting this one.

You don’t have to be well versed in the ’80s to know that the Wonder Woman 1984 cast are pictured here paying tribute to The Breakfast Club, John Hughes’ cult favorite about a group of young delinquents coming together to forge a life-long friendship.

Of course, the actual plot of Hughes’ time-honored gem won’t have much of a bearing on WW84, which supposedly sees Diana Prince confront Cheetah (and possibly the Martian Manhunter?) in an era of big tunes and bigger hair. As for Chris Pine, it’s looking increasingly likely that that’s not Steve Trevor dressed up in sports gear, with theories ranging from an alien invader to one which suggests Steve is actually a figment of Diana’s imagination.

Wonder Woman 1984 is locked in for a theatrical debut on November 1st, 2019 – not long after the back-to-back release of Aquaman and Shazam!

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