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Wonder Woman 2 May Be Further Along Than Initially Thought; Rumor Claims WB Has Settled On A Villain

The latest truckload of speculative DC tidbits claims that Warner Bros. has already earmarked Cheetah to be the villain of Wonder Woman 2.

Like it or loathe it – or even if your general feeling toward Warner’s interconnected franchise is one of mild indifference – the DC Extended Universe continues to be a point of fixation for comic book fans, and that level of excitement is beginning to scale up once more in anticipation of Patty Jenkins’ standalone Wonder Woman movie.

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Following up on Man of SteelBatman V Superman and the wildly divisive Suicide Squad, Diana Prince’s fantastical origin story is the fourth (and possibly best?) entry into the DCEU to date, and already there’ve been rumblings of a sequel getting the green light from the Powers That Be – heck, Jenkins has even outlined her plan to bring Diana back to the future, providing Warner Bros. issues the go-ahead on Wonder Woman 2.

But if a new truckload of rumors is to be believed, Diana’s second solo movie may well be further along than initially thought. The tidbits first appeared on 4chan, and were later relayed through the DCEU Leaks subreddit. In short? Treat these unconfirmed morsels of information with a heightened sense of caution.

Still with us? On the eve of Wonder Woman‘s theatrical release, 4chan’s report claims that WB has not only identified the sequel’s primary antagonist (spoilers: it’s purportedly Cheetah), but that the studio is also in possession of a “detailed outline” of the movie’s story arc. And sadly, it seems Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor won’t be returning, which lends credence to those reports suggesting that Wonder Woman 2 will see Diana relocate to the present day.

Per Reddit:

Wonder Woman 2 has been in discussions for months and a detailed outline of the film has already been written. The studio is waiting to see how Wonder Woman performs opening weekend. The film will feature Cheetah as the villain and the studio will most likely cast a big female lead for the role. Chris Pine will not return for the sequel.

On June 2nd, Wonder Woman will march triumphantly into theaters, and analysts have so far predicted an opening weekend in the region of $60m-$70 million. It’s a domestic bow that would put Patty Jenkins’ WWI actioner in the same bracket as the likes of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, which were awarded multiple sequels as part of Marvel’s rapid expansion of the MCU. Surely Diana Prince is worthy of a similar continuation, right? Time will tell.

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