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X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer Teaser Gets Us Hyped For The Full Thing

With Dark Phoenix acting as probably the last hurrah for the cinematic X-Universe that sprung into existence with Bryan Singer's X-Men (though the Deadpool limb of the tree should also get to finish its trilogy with X-Force), everyone's waiting with baited breath to see if it'll live up to the standards set by X2: X-Men United and Days of Future Past or go down as another bomb like X-Men 3: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

With Dark Phoenix acting as probably the last hurrah for the cinematic X-Universe that sprung into existence with Bryan Singer’s X-Men (though the Deadpool limb of the tree should also get to finish its trilogy with X-Force), everyone’s waiting with baited breath to see if it’ll live up to the standards set by X2: X-Men United and Days of Future Past or go down as another bomb like X-Men 3: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. 

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It’s been a long road to theaters, too, as the film first went into production back in June 2017 and finished in October of the same year. Initially, the ’90s set installment was supposed to come out in 2018, but was ultimately pushed back into 2019 by the studio. Typically, that’s not a very good sign, but we’ll soon get an idea of what’s to come as Fox has announced that at long last, they’ll be dropping the trailer later tonight during James Cordon’s The Late Late Show.

And to get us hyped, they’ve released a quick teaser (and poster!) which you can see up above. It doesn’t feature any footage unfortunately, but we get to hear a few of the characters talking. We know, it’s not much, but thankfully, the real deal will be here in no time at all.

From what we understand, the next installment in the X-Men franchise is set to be a pretty big departure from what came before. Speaking to Digital Spy a while back, star Sophie Turner had the following to say:

This movie is kind of a lot more emotion-based, much more grounded. There are, of course, those supernatural elements, but this one is really character-driven – a really emotional story about a girl battling with a deadly mix of mental health problems and being a superhero.

Sounds promising, so let’s just hope that X-Men: Dark Phoenix can overcome all of its production troubles when it flies into theaters on February 14th, 2019.

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