Zack Snyder, who is currently tied to his Christopher Nolan produced/influenced Superman movie, Man Of Steel, is renowned for his love of all things CGI, making his association with a more realistically-grounded film very curious indeed. And with the talks of a Justice League movie in the wind, Snyder made some recent comments as to how his own film might fit within the means of that universe, given that all movies are part of cinematic universe these days, otherwise what’s the point?
Here’s what Snyder had to say on matter:
“I don’t know how Justice League is going to be handled. But Man Of Steel exists, and Superman is in it. I don’t know how you’d move forward without acknowledging that.”
And on cinematic universes:
“Um, how can I answer that? I can’t really say anything to that, because that’s a big spoiler. I will say, yeah, they trust me to keep them on course.”
So what we can gather from all this is that Man Of Steel, with all its Deadliest Catch vibes, will be part of the Justice League universe, and that we won’t have two Supermans in two different movies at the same time. As for the spoiler that Snyder can’t possibly adhere to, can we expect a superhero cameo somewhere amongst the frames of Man Of Steel?
Source: Total Film