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Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cut Is 3 Hours Long And Provides More Depth

Now playing in theaters across the globe, Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon's Justice League has been dogged by mediocre reviews ever since its release on November 17th. It looks like things will only get worse before they get better though, what with analysts claiming Justice League will now limp miserably toward a $700 million box office tally, despite initial estimations projecting a billion-dollar home run for the suits at Warner Bros.

Now playing in theaters across the globe, Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s Justice League has been dogged by mediocre reviews ever since its release on November 17th. It looks like things will only get worse before they get better, too, what with analysts claiming the pic will now limp miserably toward a $700 million box office tally, despite initial estimations projecting a billion-dollar home run for the suits at Warner Bros.

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But there is an S-shaped light at the end of the tunnel – and no, we’re not talking about the Man of Steel, but rather Zack Snyder, whose cut is reportedly “much longer” than Justice League‘s theatrical version. Not only that, but it’s said to feature more cameos, too. Obviously, there’s an intense demand from the fanbase for Warner Bros. to release it – including a massive petition online – but so far, the studio’s remained silent in regards to their plans.

And so, while we wait for them to decide on what they want to do with this almost mythical cut, we’re starting to learn a little bit more about it. Earlier today, we had a few of Snyder’s deleted scenes leak online and now, we have a report from an individual who’s seen some of the footage firsthand and claims that Zack’s cut is 3 hours long.

This news comes to us from YouTuber Grace Randolph, who spoke about what she saw in a recent video, saying the following:

“I can’t discuss what I saw, but I can tell you I saw a lot that wasn’t in this movie. It was good. It was really good. It provided a lot more depth than you see in the finished product. Unfortunately, it was gone once it went through the studio suits and Whedon, so I really want to see the cut.

I know it’s frustrating to keep seeing alternate versions of these movies, but I don’t care. I just want to see it because I feel like I would like it. I feel like I would like it a lot. So I want that original Zack Snyder cut. I mean he showed it to the suits. So it exists.

I believe, some of you have pointed out, it’s 3 hours long. We’ve seen tons of shots from the trailers that aren’t in the movie. I really need to see it.”

As Randolph mentions at the start, she can’t say much about what she was shown, but did hint that there was a lot more to the flashback scene featuring Steppenwolf at war with the Amazons, Atlanteans, etc.

“During my visit [to Warner Bros.], I got a better sense that the gods, Zeus etc., were joining this fight against Darkseid back in the day, but [in the movie] you kind of just had to pick it up.”

Again, the studio has yet to comment on whether or not we’ll ever get to see Snyder’s original vision, but with that aforementioned petition only growing bigger and bigger by the day, and demand for a Director’s Cut intensifying, Warner Bros. would be foolish if they didn’t release an alternate version of Justice League. Not to mention they risk losing a lot of fans if they don’t.

Plus, much like the Ultimate Edition of Batman V Superman before it, it’ll open up another stream of revenue for WB. And lord knows the studio needs it now, considering JL may wind up losing $100 million when all is said and done.

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