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7 Comic Book Storylines We Want To See On The Big Screen

With new superhero movies coming out seemingly every other week, it's a great time to be a comic book fan. There's nothing like seeing your favorite characters being brought to life on the big screen in ways that make you jump for joy and spill your popcorn all over the unlucky sap sitting next to you.

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All-Star Superman

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If there’s one constant criticism that’s been levelled at the DCEU’s interpretation of Superman, it’s that he doesn’t feel very much like Superman. Now, we understand DC’s attempt to make Superman a little edgier to fit within today’s world, but it doesn’t mean we’re completely okay with it. If the studio wanted to make a story to really show a different side of the Man of Steel, they should go with All-Star Superman.

Harkening back to the old days of truth, justice and the American way, the hero’s injured by Lex Luthor in a way where he only has a year to live. Instead of moping about it or getting angry though, Superman uses the time he has left to help as many people as possible. It’s a great story as it gets to the heart of the character without being bogged down by angst or grit. We doubt we’ll ever see it be adapted, but it would be a good way to appease fans who’ve felt disappointed in Superman recently.

If nothing else, we hope that Man of Steel 2 will at least pull elements from it, showing Supes as the symbol of hope and salvation he’s supposed to be.

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