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A recurring MCU bugbear finds fans demanding a return to the glory days

It's all just a bit lackluster nowadays.

Image via Marvel

It’s well-known that Marvel likes to use a lot of CGI, but fans are finally starting to get sick of the studio using it for every possible thing in a scene, especially the suits.

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Since the MCU introduced the concept of nano-technology into its universe, hero suit-up scenes have never been the same. The fictional technology allows the character to make their suit appear from nowhere within a second. Naturally, this means that the suits are now entirely CG as the actors don’t actually have to interact with the suits in a physical capacity whatsoever.

The nano-tech was first used most prominently by Tony Stark in Avengers: Infinity War, and yes, it made sense for his character. Stark had been improving his suits in every film since the first Iron Man and his armor had reached its final form. But since Infinity War, nano-tech has now been used by every hero with basically no exceptions. Everyone’s suits now just appear on them and disappear when the actor needs to show their face, which is a lot. Even characters for whom it doesn’t make sense; Thor’s helmet was a physical thing that he would take off and put on in the first film. Now, it just magically transforms and appears whenever it’s convenient.

Fans have grown bored of the overused effect and are calling for Marvel to go back to using physical suits again. There’s just something more theatrical and rewarding about seeing a character physically pull his mask off. It would also make suiting-up scenes a lot cooler. After all, seeing how a character suits up can be a great way for filmmakers to show their personality. Just look at this Spider-Man suit-up scene from Homecoming below, and how it demonstrates Peter’s funny but awkward personality.

It’s way better than the suit just appearing on him like it does in later movies. Many fans on the Marvel Studios subreddit agreed with the sentiment, while others also complained that the characters take their suits off way too much. Many theorized that the creative decision revolved entirely around giving actors more face time.

Other users offered a practical reason as to why the studio may have opted for CG masks constantly.

Will Marvel ever go back to physical suits? It’s likely that they’ll keep it, since it’s an easy way to have the heroes suit up quickly. However, with hero’s like Spider-Man ditching his nano-tech suit in favor of the more comic accurate spandex at the end of No Way Home, we could be returning to the use of physical suits in future movies.

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