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‘Another vacation for the useless Congress’: Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to share a positive message and was swiftly reminded that she talks too much and does too little

Does her absence make a difference anyway?

Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

The August legislative recess is now in effect, as Congress leaves Washington till Sept. 9. But netizens are here to remind Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that it’s just another good-for-nothing vacation.

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As the sun sets on the last day of July 2024, the Congress is ready to leave their coats in their offices and vacation for a month. Why, you ask? Vice President John Nance Garner once perfectly explained, saying “No good legislation ever comes out of Washington after June.” Though we know the legislation in the USA is not impressive all year long either, that’s a discussion for another day.

In celebrating that now she can sit and do nothing but spew more lies without regrets (not that she regrets anything anyway), Marjorie Taylor Greene announced the official vacation on her X account early on July 30th. She posted a picture of herself, along with the caption,

“Congress is officially out of session until September 9th! Since we won’t be in Washington voting on legislation for over a month, you might be wondering what me and my staff will be working on. We’re going to focus on providing the same exceptional customer service we provide to NW Georgians all year long.”

Before pointing out all that is wrong with her message, what even is “exceptional customer service” in a governmental context? One user (@CathyQu092007) perfectly called out Greene reminding her of the reality of her position, saying “Your constituents aren’t your customers they are your employers.” When will U.S. politicians get away from their god complex?

Is it time for Marjorie Taylor Greene to stop talking too much and actually do something? Netizens think so

While Greene claims she and her team will be working on helping NW Georgians as they do all year long, another user (@caringguy1957) struck at her, replying “Oh no, we know what you’ll be working on, conspiracy theories.” Because what else is a “TEN MILLION illegal alien invasion,” Greene?

@SpangledSkull rightfully reminded the rep for Georgia’s 14th district that she “talks too much and does too little,” @jasonm2774 had the perfect advice for her to do “something substantial”:

While the replies keep coming in, @aeroladyny summed up her long rant and announcement in six words: “Another vacation for the useless Congress.” And we cannot disagree, because what exceptional did the Congress achieve during its time in office anyway? The public might actually be relieved with the news now that they’re spared from another senseless keyboard-bashing session for a month. Happy vacationing, Rep. Greene!

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