The delegates have all gone home to their respective countries, yet the madness in downtown Toronto continues as hundreds of protesters continue to be arrested in the detention center that has been set up for the summit.
After holding a number of protesters and innocent civilians in a human box protected by riot police for four hours, the police have taken a number of them to the detention center, and released the others to leave. Many people including innocent photographers and members of the media were left stranded in the pouring rain with no food, water, bathrooms, or shelter for hours as they waited for instructions from police. Many said that they would prefer to be arrested to get to some shelter, but unfortunately they had no choice.
With the events that took place on Saturday, many people felt that the police did not act strongly enough to control the violence. This left them no option but to act with force on Sunday as the protests continued and people refused to cooperate with requests and demands from the police force. There are mixed feelings on the actions of the Toronto Police, some say that they have acted too harshly, while others agree that there is no other way to control the violence. One person tweeted that “People are not being treated properly by police” in which somebody else responded, “These people should not have shattered our windows and violated our city”.