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‘I’m done with men’: Woman’s date goes from dream to disaster after she finds out the man is a pathological liar

This sounds like an absolute nightmare scenario!

KiAnna Nycole
Image via TikTok

Oh the wonderful world of dating, what a rollercoaster it can be, some ups, some downs, although mostly downs let’s be honest. Dating in the current year is like walking through a minefield, you never know when it’s going to blow up in your face.

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In this case, one woman’s date was pretty much going as well as a date can go. In a story time TikTok, KiAnna Nycole gives us a run down on how her dream date turned into a nightmare in less than a minute – I guess not every date can result in a wholesome and healthy marriage. The guy was showing all the green flags, he tagged along with KiAnna to her friend’s graduation party and even insisted on stopping at Target to buy a gift for this friend that he hadn’t even met yet. That sounds like husband material to me.

The whole day goes pretty well and as far as KiAnna is aware the two have hit it off pretty well, of course, I wouldn’t be writing this article if it ended there. At the end of their time together she goes to drop him off at the mall as he “allegedly” lives more than an hour away. They get into the car together and it’s at this point that another woman shows up, drags the date from the car and proceeds to beat him up while KiAnna watches on in horror.

It’s clear that this mysterious woman was the guy’s girlfriend. The worst part about the whole thing is how easy it was for this guy to lie about what he was up to. Apparently on their date they had even discussed topics like cheating “we talked about cheating for 30 minutes, we talked about emotional versus physical cheating” all the while he was literally in the act of cheating!

Luckily the girlfriend didn’t take any of her rage out on KiAnna who was completely oblivious to her date’s tricks. After everything went down the guy and his girlfriend drove off in their car together and he had the audacity to wave at KiAnna as they passed by and then later drop a “wyd” text. Some comments tried to find an explanation other than cheating but the best guess was that the girl was his mother.

Am I the only one who thought it was his momma and he was actually a baby who wasn’t supposed to be out

While it’s certainly a possibility I think we’ll put the “it was his mom” theory on the shelf for now. Others wanted KiAnna to respond to the text and find out more.

Ma’am ask him who that was .. I need to know 😭😭

Others believed that the guy was trapped in an abusive relationship and judging by KiAnna’s description of the beating they might be right.

He needs help lol 😩 “what are you doing “ was his SOS

Either way, the entire ordeal left KiAnna in shock and the rest of us wondering whether dating is even worth the risk of putting yourself out there anymore – in some cases even years of marriage can’t stop someone from cheating. That being said, I kind of hope she replies to his text, I want to hear his explanation, and I love the drama.

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