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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s shared journal shown to jurors in trial

Introduced in court, the journal entry showed that Depp's nickname for Heard was 'Slim' and also that he loves HST maybe too much.

Photo by Alison Buck via Getty Images

There seems to be no end to the personal revelations in the ongoing Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. Now we’re getting a look at a journal the couple shared with each other, which illustrates the couple’s ongoing troubles in a very real way.

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We already know that someone pooped on a bed and that Depp wrote messages in his own blood, so the journal entries are almost tame in comparison.

Pictures of the journal pages introduced in court come courtesy of Cathy Russon, an executive producer at Law&Crime Trial Network.

The entry is dated September 15, 2015 and tagged “Los Angeles.”

“My dearest Slim” the entry begins. “The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to those who can see it coming and jump aside. HST – The Rum Diary.”

HST is of course a reference to the famed writer and journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who Depp portrayed in the movie The Rum Diary, where he met Heard.

The entry in the journal purportedly shows that Depp admitted his angry outburst in Australia, a key moment that Heard’s lawyers say prove Depp was abusive. Depp is suing for defamation and asking for $50 million in compensatory damages, and a punitive award of at least $350,000. He also wants to recoup attorney fees and court costs. Heard is counter-suing.

The entry continues:

“Once again, even now, as he no longer resides here, Hunter’s words come to our side. Whatever it is that we want, we can have – We just need to get out of our own way so that we’re able to follow (Thompson’s) remarkably astute advice. I love and adore you – I can’t express how sorry I am for having stooped so low, as to have spewed such vicious untruths for the sole purpose of hurting you. I am far from being proud of myself for such a grievous error! Shameful… I will never allow myself to resort to such disgraceful and odious behavior… No matter what! Let’s take Hunter’s advice, baby. We’ve got a long and beautiful road stretched out ahead of us, my Slim. There’s no reason in the world for us not to hit the fucker full throttle. There are no bumps or (divots) visible, and when we see them coming, we’ll just slow down.”

The trial is expected to continue for a number of weeks, with Heard scheduled to take the stand eventually. Time will tell what revelations are left to uncover.

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