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Kevin Spacey’s U.K. trial 2023: Accusations, expected length, and potential consequences, explained

Everything that is on the line for the Oscar-winning actor who is now accused of some very heinous crimes.

Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images

From being called one of the greatest actors of our time to being labeled a “sexual bully,” Kevin Spacey’s reputation has certainly fallen and fast. This week, far from sauntering down a red carpet, Spacey will be seen doing a perp walk as he heads toward his U.K. trial, which began Wednesday. Accusations around Spacey’s off-camera behavior had been simmering for some time, and now they have finally reached a boiling point as Spacey’s trial begins in London. Here is everything we know about the accusations and the upcoming trial.

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Kevin Spacey, 63, is an Oscar-winning actor, well-known for his multitude of roles in hit shows and films, such as House of Cards, American Beauty, Se7en, Margin Call, Pay It Forward, and many more. Yet despite his fame, rumors seemed to follow him wherever he went, and then they were no longer just rumors, they were accusations. In 2017 the Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp openly accused Spacey of sexual misconduct, saying he was “targeted” by Spacey when he was just 14 years old and Spacey was 26. Rapp sued Spacey in civil court but lost the suit. Spacey apologized via social media and said despite “not remembering” the incident he claimed if it did indeed happen it was “inappropriate drunken behavior.” It was the first time Spacey also publicly acknowledged being gay.

Yet these accusations were just the beginning of the complaints lodged against Spacey. The following year he was accused of forcefully groping a 19-year-old in a Nantucket bar. The charges and subsequent lawsuit were dropped, however. A massage therapist in California also came forward accusing Spacey of inappropriate sexual behavior — this person, unfortunately, passed away, and therefore the subsequent charges and lawsuits were dropped. In 2020 after being fired from the show House of Cards, Spacey was ordered by a Los Angeles court to pay the production company, MRC, $31 million as a result of his sexual misconduct behind the scenes of the popular Netflix series. Eight employees of the show either directly witnessed or were victims of inappropriate sexual behavior on Spacey’s part. His abrupt departure as Frank Underwood from the show cost the show millions, thus the lawsuit award.

Over 12 years Spacey was accused by four separate individuals in the U.K. Also according to Variety, during his tenure at the Old Vic theatre in London, 20 testimonies of “inappropriate behavior” were reported on Spacey, although many of the complainants felt unable to come forward at the time of the incidents.

He also has a completely additional set of allegations, including some from several high-profile celebrities and producers, including Justin Dawes, Kate Edwards, Harry Dreyfuss, and Tony Montana, as well as anonymous filmmakers, bartenders, and journalists. The accusations are heinous, including performing sexual acts on unconscious victims, and taking advantage of young aspiring actors for his own sexual gain. Spacey continues to deny all charges and accusations.

The U.K. trial begins

The U.K. trial held in London’s Westminster Crown Court is currently underway, and should last about four weeks. The tension in the courtroom is high, as reported by Yahoo News, and the prosecution is not holding anything back. Prosecutor Christine Agnew claimed Spacey “delights in making others feel powerless and uncomfortable” and that he “abused the power and influence that his reputation and fame afforded him.” Yet Spacey remains remarkably unbothered by the whole thing, claiming people are “ready to hire him” as soon as things are “cleared up.” Way to read the room, Spacey.

Spacey faces 12 charges, including “repeated incidents of indecent and sexual assaults” and “causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.” The latter charge could result in life imprisonment. If convicted his crimes could result in anything from probation to life imprisonment and anything in between depending on what charges gain a conviction.

While the outcome of the upcoming court case is unclear, one thing seems abundantly clear; no one will ever look at Kevin Spacey the same way again. With so much smoke it is hard to believe there is no fire at all, yet even if he is cleared of all charges, it seems his career and reputation may never be quite the same.

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