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Marjorie Taylor Greene throws a hissy fit as ‘Jewish Space Lasers’ come back to haunt her

Don't you DARE use her own words against her!

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

Despite their best attempts to leave the sins of their pasts behind them, many members of the modern GOP just can’t shake those prior transgressions. Misinformation, actual assault, and simple idiocy haunt our politicians for years, and its the latter currently biting Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) in the derriere.

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Failing once again in her attempts to masquerade as an actual human being, Greene fumbled in her response to a reporter’s question this week. Following former Cheeto in Chief Donald Trump’s sweeping victory on Super Tuesday, Greene failed to improve her reputation while speaking with British journalist Emily Maitlis. Maitlis asked Greene about her tendency to lean on conspiracy theories — something Greene is well-known for — near the end of their brief interview, and the 49-year-old wasn’t pleased.

After trying to deflect the blame for the nation’s rising paranoia and reliance on conspiracy theories, Greene abandoned all pretenses of maturity and simply told Maitlis to “f*ck off.” That’s after Maitlis attempted to press Greene on her previous claims about California wildfires and “Jewish space lasers,” a mortifying conspiracy theory the Georgia congresswoman has been trying to sweep under the rug for years.

Despite her best efforts, however, it simply won’t stay swept. That’s largely thanks to tactful icons like Maitlis, who make sure to serve up a reminder every few years in case the constant stream of idiocy exiting Marj’s mouth distracts the public from the nonsense that preceded it. And there was quite a bit of nonsense.

Like Greene’s claim about space lasers — which, by the way, is very much something that happened. Back in 2018, when Greene was drooling over Trump from far more of a distance, the empty-headed dolt made the extremely foolish decision to post her brain’s inner workings for the world to see. And since her brain isn’t even as functional as Elon Musk’s infamously defunct Cybertruck, it was a bad choice.

In the deleted, but still widely-available Facebook post, Greene attempts to link the 2018 wildfires in California to space lasers, in the most mind-bending display of mental gymnastics many people had seen at that point. She talks about how lasers “beaming the sun’s energy back to earth” are a clear suspect behind the fires, and hilariously concludes her rant with the conspiracy theorist’s mantra: “But what do I know? I just like to read a lot.”

In the years since she publicly embarrassed herself on social media, Marj has worked hard to leave that shining example of her ineptitude behind. She really didn’t appreciate Maitlis bringing it back up, but its not like a little reminder is going to tarnish anyone’s opinion of Greene. Those of us with grey matter between our ears pinned her as the lunatic she is on first sight, and any continued support she clings to clearly had that same grey matter fried a long time ago. Maybe even by space lasers.

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