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‘More guns mean more death’: Jamaal Bowman praised for vocally destroying Thomas Massie during heated gun violence dispute

"They're all cowards!"

Jeenah Moon/Getty Images

Two members of Congress, Reps Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Thomas Massie (R-KY), got into a shouting match over guns on the House floor on Wednesday, with Bowman being commended by political observers for eviscerating Massie on the issue.

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They got into it after Bowman chastised his colleagues in the GOP for not doing anything to curb gun violence after a deadly shooting at Covenant School in Tennessee on Monday, which left three children and three adults dead.

Bowman yelled at his colleagues and said “Cowards! They’re all cowards!” He continued:

“They won’t do anything to save the lives of our children at all. Cowards! Pressure them. Force them to respond to the question, ‘Why the hell don’t you do anything to save America’s children?’ And let them explain that all the way up to Election Day in 2024. They’re freaking cowards. They’re gutless.”

Bowman’s tirade got Massie to come up and ask what all the noise was about. It’s “about gun violence,” Bowman said.

Massie then pulled out a current GOP Golden Rule: Throw more guns at the problem. We should arm teachers, Massie offered. Massie is one of the most pro gun Reps. out there, by the way.

He’s a proud gun owner, poses with his whole family holding guns (and did so days after a Michigan school shooting) and he’s the co-chairman of the House Second Amendment Caucus.

We should also point out that in said photo, Mom is pointing that gun right at her son. If you’re so into responsible gun use, shouldn’t we not point it at members of our own family?

Back to the argument. Massie delivers what he thinks is a haymaker: “You know, there’s never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry,” he told Bowman.

Bowman yells “Carry guns? More guns lead to more death. Look at the data. You’re not looking at any data.” Bowman then tells Massie he’s in bed with the gun lobby, and Massie tells Bowman to calm down.

“Children are dying!” Bowman answers. Massie then walks over to reporters and and says, “We have guns here to protect us, and he doesn’t believe that kids should have somebody to protect them.” 

Massie then shared the exchange as well and said “… when I offered a solution he just began shouting.” Maybe because the solution was more guns?

Regardless, it’s made Bowman a hero to a lot of people.

People love him!

Bowman used to be a teacher, as Brian Krassenstein mentions.

Lots of praise.

Some facts for the government to ignore.

While this does highlight the issue, unfortunately it seems that the GOP will stick to the “arm the teachers” argument. Or, they’ll blame something else that has nothing to do with the issue. Or blame Biden. Blame and deflect, but change nothing. Fun.

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