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Stephen King’s prediction of the next presidency is the scariest thing he’s ever written

Give me an evil child-murdering clown any day of the week...

Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images for Warner Bros. / Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Stephen King has railed against Monday’s bombshell Supreme Court ruling that saw Donald Trump granted immunity from prosecution of actions taken during his presidential term, including efforts to overturn the election that saw him lose sorely to Joe Biden.

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King didn’t stop at accusing the Supreme Court of taking “a wrecking ball to the Constitution”. Just an hour later, he went on to say that under this new ruling, the next president would have the powers of a king, meaning that this isn’t just in favor of Trump, but is also against the people of America.

The Orange Pretender to the Throne has been granted immunity from the majority of the despicable behavior he stands accused of during his term as president, which effectively does away with the idea that no one is above the law. Turns out if you talk like an incel with concussion and look like you’ve been dunked in a bathtub of Cheeto dust, you might just get away with inciting an insurrection.

Barely animated Corpse-in-Chief, Joe Biden, explained what the new ruling means.

“For all practical purposes, there are (now) virtually no limits on what the president can do. It’s a fundamentally new principle and it’s a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the Supreme Court of the United States.”

King’s long career proves he has no trouble generating new frights for his adoring audience of horror aficionados. However, sometimes reality is scarier than fiction, and this following tweet might just be the most terrifying thing that King has ever written.

King has never been one to stay silent when it comes to politics, and with the race to the top heating up, we can expect to see more of this in the months leading up to Nov. 5th. Is it too late for him to join the presidential race? ‘King for King’ is a campaign we could all get behind.

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