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‘This guy has a non-white wife and a kid named Vivek’: MAGAs are bursting into flame as they slowly realize that JD Vance is not your typical white guy

The MAGA crowd aren't happy with Donald Trump's decision for running mate.

JD Vance
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The MAGA cultists are cannibals of the worst kind. What I mean by that is no matter how much you try to appeal to them, it will never be enough, you could share 99% of the same beliefs as them, but they will tear you apart over that 1%.

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It’s always been this way, the far-right are pretty good at tearing themselves apart over the smallest of issues. Case in point, Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance. Considering the unquestionable faith members of the alt-right have been putting in Trump, you’d think that they wouldn’t dare question his decisions, after all, if Vance is good enough for Trump, he’s good enough for the rest of us right?

Wrong. Despite being republican, white, Christian (he converted to Catholicism in 2019) and most importantly, hand picked by Trump to be his running mate, it’s not enough for some people. You see, some are taking issue with Vance’s family, the senator’s wife, Usha Vance, is of Indian descent and according to very nice and not at all unpleasant Nick Fuentes, “all his kids have Indian names.” A post shared to X by Alex Cole captures Fuentes’ reaction to learning about Vance’s wife and kids.

Like I said, these guys are cannibals, or piranhas, if they sense what they perceive to be weakness they’re going to attack. No matter how much someone tries to appease the alt-right, they’re always going to be criticized for not going even further, doing more, and living up to impossibly high expectations. As Fuentes puts it:

“But it’s like, who is this guy really? Do we really expect the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is gonna support white Identity?”

He goes on to spout some more meaningless rhetoric about how there’s a “white genocide going on in the world.” By this he means immigration and “inter-marrying,” so yeah, his opinion isn’t really worth the time of day, but unfortunately some people actually listen to and believe this guy.

The MAGA cult have rejected JD Vance

To hear Fuentes be so openly racist is horrible and it’s even worse seeing those that are agreeing with him. Cole shares more screenshots of posts from conservative individuals criticizing Vance and rejecting him simply for marrying someone who is not white. One post reads, “he’s not one of us,” while another sarcastically says, “I’m sure this guy’s going to be great on immigration.”

It’s disturbing how comfortable these people feel sharing their backwards opinions but unfortunately that is the kind of culture the modern Republicans have been pushing for – becoming more and more extreme to the point that people feel like they can come out with such toxic rhetoric without any consequences.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to dislike about JD Vance, In many ways he shares Trump’s vision, but as we’ve seen here, that’s simply not enough for some. Some people would rather base their opinions on more surface level qualities.

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