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‘Twilight’ Twihards have big opinions on the upcoming television reboot

It’s time to return to the world of sparkling vampires and brooding werewolves, and we’re excited!

Photo via Summit Entertainment

It’s time to pull out your best Team Jacob or Team Edward fan gear because Twilight is getting the reboot treatment in the form of an upcoming television series, and fans have thoughts about the resurgence of the vamp-centric story we all loved — and, yes, we know you loved it, too. 

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Twilight wasn’t just a book-turned-film franchise but a cultural phenomenon. Something was thrilling about buying tickets to midnight film releases, being in a theater full of other Twihards as you saw the latest entry in the saga play out in front of your eyes. Fans were decked out head to toe in their Twilight hats, hoodies, bags, and even shoes that proclaimed their love for the supernatural series that saw a lion fall in love with a lamb — what a sick, masochistic lion and what a stupid lamb, are we right?

So what are fans saying about the idea of a television series? Ideally, we’d have the entire cast come back to play their roles, but we all know that’s impossible. One thing fans are hoping for is that they make not just bright, but well-thought-out casting choices; this includes having characters stay true to their book descriptions.

The truth is, it’s sort of hard to imagine a Twilight reboot without our versions of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, but we’re open to giving the new story a shot; we might just fall in love with them all over again.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that Stephenie Meyer is set to be involved with the television reboot, so we’re crossing our fingers that she’s connected with her fans and what they’re hoping for as we see new life breathed into our beloved characters. A reboot is a fresh take on a story, but there are some character traits and scenes so important that fans have big ideas about how they’d like them portrayed.

This fan brings up a good point, as do several others who have focused on this particular scene — no matter how fantastic the reboot may be, some pieces of Twilight are so iconic, they won’t ever be topped.


Can the iconic hang-on-tight spider monkey scene truly be re-created? We don’t think so!


Some fans hope that more of the vampire lore is discussed in the television reboot, as the films didn’t do enough justice for that integral part of the storyline. We also want more backstories about the Cullen family; how did Alice and Jasper fall in love? How did Rosalie and Emmett work through the struggles they both felt in becoming vampires and yearning for a life that no longer existed? We want flashbacks, date nights, hard conversations, and more relationship-building.


Of course, some pop culture enthusiasts were less than thrilled about the news, noticing that with a Harry Potter series in the works, they’re a little confused about what year it is. Others pointed out that there are great original ideas out there waiting to be greenlit, but we’re getting a Twilight reboot instead, which didn’t sit well with them. 

Some say they’re going to show up either way, and honestly — we get it. When you’ve been part of something larger than life (Twilight, Star Wars, Marvel, etc.), it’s hard to let it go or look away when new opportunities to get that feeling again present themselves.

The truth is, unless you’ve ever cried to yourself while reading a Twilight book or sat in a theater and watched what is arguably one of the biggest fake-outs in cinematic history during the all-out vampire brawl, the news shared today might not excite you in the way it’s done for some pop culture enthusiasts, and that’s okay.

It was an experience you had to be there for, and while the news is hitting some fans and non-fans totally wrong, some are sort of excited about the possibilities, and it’s giving us the desire to pull those books off the shelf and dive in again — so we can’t knock it.

Not everyone has dreamed of sitting in a meadow with a sparkly vampire or becoming a “wolf girl,” but for those who have — it’s your time to shine.

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