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What is Marjorie Taylor Greene’s zodiac sign? The far-right conspiracy theorist’s astrology chart explained

Honestly, it explains so much.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
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Marjorie Taylor Greene is a lot. Whatever your political preference, we can all agree the Representative from Georgia has a lot to say and is not shy about expressing her opinions, even the less-than-popular (or sane) ones. So what could push a person to such extremes? We took to her astrological chart to see if the answer to this burning question is written in her stars. Here is what we found.

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Generally, when viewing a birth chart, the reader starts with the “top three.” The top three are a person’s sun, moon, and rising signs and give a general outline of the person’s path, personality, and goals. The sun sign is the life path and correction, the moon is the realm of emotions, and the rising is the way we present to the world and how we walk our life path successfully. However, since we don’t have Greene’s exact time of birth, that can affect her rising sign, so we just have to move forward with the other two of the “top three,” as well as a few other juicy tidbits that jumped out at us.

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Greene’s Gemini sun wreaks havoc

Greene’s sun sign is — drum roll, please — Gemini. Gemini, as in the sign of the twins that often gets a bad rep. Being a Gemini is a bit like the cartoon of having an angel and devil on your shoulder, the positive influence and the negative influence. While we all have the presence of both, Gemini seems to have the two presences speaking a little more loudly in their ears.

The goal of this setup is to learn balance. Greene seems to have missed the boat on this one entirely as she swings far to the side — the far-right side, that is. Balance and fairness are not words one would generally attribute to Greene and her extreme views, which is a big red flag of an unhealed Gemini in our book. However, on the plus side, Gemini folks are well known for the “Gemini flip,” which is a sudden and often extreme change of opinion. So, who knows, maybe within the next few years, we will see Greene go flying to the far left. Stranger astrological things have happened!

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Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Uncontrolled Gemini people can be known to be gossipy, a blowhard — basically anything where the element of air seems to take over the mouth, not to mention the mind. An unhealed Gemini can cause a lot of harm with their words if they don’t learn how to think before speaking or run their fast-paced thoughts through a socially acceptable filter. Basically, they can huff and puff and try to blow others’ houses down, which certainly describes Georgia’s friend Marjorie.

Greene also has her moon in Leo. Our moon sign controls our emotions; it shows how we act in our moments of highs and lows, and our go-to reactions. Leo is the sign of the performer, which makes sense here as Greene’s tactics are performative at best and exploitative at worst. Leo-aligned people love to have the spotlight on them, regardless of what others think. Yet that is exactly what they are supposed to work on in their lives, learning how to use the spotlight and their power to help instead of harm. Seems like Greene has a long way to go on that one. Leo is also the sign of the lion, so they tend to roar when upset, and they can end up roaring right over the voices of others. It’s safe to say Greene definitely exhibits this unfortunate Leo attribute.

Greene’s war on women explained

An additional nugget of interest in Greene’s chart is that her Mars lies in Cancer. Mars is the planet of war and aggression, while Cancer is the sign of the feminine, the mother, the home, and intuition. This can be read as a literal war on women. We can see examples of this en masse, such as when Greene called a woman too “old and barren” to have an opinion. It is a perfect example of the war she is waging on women.

Ironically enough, however, her Saturn is also in Cancer. Saturn is the lord of karma and the keeper of our dharma, which means she has a lot of work to do in the area of feminine energy, the concepts of womanhood, and the treatment of women. Clearly.

However, there is hope! Saturn resides in a place where we have a lot of spiritual work to do, kind of like going to the spiritual gym. Yet when we are finished with all the training in the sign where Saturn sits, we will be elite athletes. So, if she uses her Gemini ability to flip and aims all that energy toward the greater good of working with women instead of against them, she could actually morph her war on women into a war for women. We know, we know, it probably won’t happen in this lifetime, but we’re eternal optimists.

Long story short, Greene is absolutely a product of her astrology. If only she could only learn to work with her astrology instead of against it, she might actually become a normal — dare we say — even likable human being. Here’s hoping.

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