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Why is Donald Trump suddenly calling Kamala Harris ‘Kamabla’ and is that really the best he can do?

Known for his childish name-calling, Trump appears to be struggling to find something for Harris.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
(Left) Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images. (Right) Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images.

Donald Trump loves dishing out humiliating nicknames, every single one of his political opponents gets assigned a silly name by the Republican candidate at some point.

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He’s been doing this since forever, you probably remember “Crooked Hillary,” “Liddle Marco,” and “Low-Energy Jeb.” It’s a childish tactic and Trump goes for the lowest-hanging fruit, but these insulting names can be highly effective if he can get them to stick.

Take “Sleepy Joe” for example, while it wouldn’t be fair to say Trump’s nickname was the sole reason for Biden stepping down, it certainly played a big part in pushing the narrative that the Democrat was not fit for the job months before he eventually admitted defeat. Like I said, it’s a low-hanging fruit, but every Trump supporter was parroting the name, the same way they were all calling Hillary Clinton “crooked” in 2016.

So it’s no surprise that Donald Trump is trying to come up with yet another effective and insulting nickname to demean and demoralize his new political opponent: Kamala Harris. It’s early days, and he’s not had much luck so far, his new nickname for the Democrat candidate, “Kamabla” doesn’t really have the same effectiveness as his previous ones, nor does it really make any sense.

What does Kamabla mean?

The thing with all the others is that they need very little explanation, Sleepy Joe is called that because he’s sleepy, Crooked Hillary is called that because Trump thinks she’s a criminal. But what does Kamabla mean? It’s not immediately obvious like all the other names and it’s left Trump’s supporters and his detractors both scratching their heads. It’s definitely not a typo as Trump has referred to her as that in more than one post.

Unfortunately the businessman hasn’t really been forthcoming with the answers so far, he’s made a few posts to Truth Social referring to “Kamabla” but we haven’t even heard him speak it out loud yet, so we’re not even certain how it’s pronounced. NYMag reached out to a Trump representative but received no conclusive answer, just a cryptic explanation: “Kamabla represents all the hurt and misery the Biden-Harris administration has brought to every single American.”

North Dakota governor, Doug Burgum, and VP J.D. Vance were also questioned about the new nickname but neither of them had answers either. 

Perhaps in the future Trump will explain to us what Kamabla means, but for now, all we have are theories. Some have proposed that it could be a play on “blah” as in “blah blah blah” maybe because she talks too much? Others think it’s a deliberate misspelling as a sign of disrespect or even to be racist.


I think Trump is losing the plot, he may have been doing well enough against Joe Biden, but he’s got some serious competition now, and it’s got him all scared. In all likelihood, Will he ever explain what he meant by Kamabla? I doubt it, right now it seems like he’s trying things out, seeing what sticks, this new nickname ain’t gonna stick, it’s already got people confused. To understand it you’d have to think like Trump, and that’s just not something I’m prepared to do.

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