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‘You are an embarrassment to GA and America’: Someone allowed Marjorie Taylor Greene to get in front of a microphone at the RNC and it was all downhill from there

I'd rather listen to nails scraping a chalkboard.

GettyImages-Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Anyone who knows Marjorie Taylor Greene knows that it’s a big mistake to let her get in front of a microphone and make a speech, and yet, at the Republican National Convention they let her anyway.

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The RNC saw Donald Trump and his newly announced running partner, JD Vance formally nominated for the presidential election this year. Marj strutted out on stage in a red dress, which I suppose you could say symbolizes the danger she poses to the US. Anyway, what wise words did the Georgia state rep have to share with her fellow party members on this momentous occasion? You might ask. And I would answer, nothing of substance.

The speech is nothing more than hot air and more of the same old bootlicking of Trump that we’ve come to expect from Greene now. She describes him as “the man we admire and love,” it really is starting to sound like a Trump cult at the RNC right now. Seriously, why doesn’t she just marry him? 

She also didn’t hesitate to bring up the “somber moment for our nation,” of course she’s referring to the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life and the bystander at the rally who caught a stray bullet and died

Using the death of a bystander as fuel for her hatred is unfortunately just another unsurprising low for good ol’ Marj. We’ve all seen how she’s using the situation to her advantage by shouting out psychotic conspiracy theories that have seen her called out by the likes of John Cleese. It seems she’s going to continue banging this drum at every opportunity until the election in November.

Marj didn’t stop there

After that whole spiel, she goes off on a tangent about transgender rights, clarifying that there are only two genders before complaining about “illegal aliens,” Democrats’ poor policies and support for Ukraine (which she strongly opposes). Boy, this really is Marjorie Taylor Greene at peak stupidity, if you ever meet someone who hasn’t heard of MTG, show them this speech. It’s a crash course in all the reasons why she’s so hateable.

The speech was shared by Marj herself, but as you can expect, the responses were pretty divided. There were the usual MAGA cultists, commending Marjorie and calling her a “beautiful Christian,” (I think they need their eyes tested) while others spouted “patriotic” rhetoric, by which I mean, more Trump bootlicking.

There were a few who dared to criticize the GA rep. One user replied, “This needs to be aired on Comedy Central,” while another simply told her to “delete this.” I have to say, I agree with the latter statement, she should delete this and never step near a mic again. Unfortunately, we all know that’s never going to happen.

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