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‘You are that dumb’: Insurrection apostle Marjorie Taylor Greene now claims it’s Democrats who want an invasion

While some ask what Marj is smoking, others wonder why she's still opening her mouth at all.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The January 6 insurrection is a mar on our nation’s history, but Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene still don’t seem to see it that way.

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As rioters stormed our nation’s Capitol back in 2021, many of those same Republicans sang a starkly different tune, but in the wake of that horrifying day, their attitudes have changed. They’re no longer blasting former President Trump for his “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and are instead either ignoring the events of that historic day or outright celebrating them.

It’s a major, but unsurprising, shift from their early attitudes regarding the attempted insurrection, and Georgia representative and all-around dumpster fire Greene is at the forefront of her freshly dismissive colleagues. No one was ever looking to her for a mature or well-informed response to the event, of course, but her latest rewrite of history might just lend credence to those theories that Greene ended her education shortly after elementary school.

Greene blasted her democratic colleagues in a Jan. 22 tweet, ironically claiming — just a few weeks after the Jan. 6 anniversary — that they “want an invasion.” Leaning on a classic Republican red herring, Greene claimed that Democrats are ripping open our borders to allow illegal voters into the states. This statement clearly avoids acknowledgement of the United States laws that prohibit any non-American citizens from voting, but that wouldn’t suit Marjorie’s narrative, now would it?

Greene went on to claim that Democrats are seeking a total “takeover of our elections” and that they “hate the American people” before encouraging anyone empty-headed enough to listen that a vote for Donald Trump will somehow save the country. Where have we heard that before?

It’s a bafflingly senseless take, even for Greene ⏤ a fact that wasn’t missed by the American public. They were quick to pile onto her latest brainless assertion, blasting the 49-year-old’s mind-numbing take for what it was: another half-witted and utterly absurd attempt to mislead the American people.

In case anyone other than Greene is unaware of this, non-citizens (and certainly “illegals”) are not permitted to vote in U.S. elections. The U.S. has strict protocols in place to prevent this exact thing, and they prevent all but a minuscule number of disallowed voters from actually taking part in elections.

But facts tend not to get people like MTG and Trump elected ⏤ scary lies do. So Greene, alongside her cohort of manic flying monkeys, will continue to spread misinformation, misleading stories, and flat-out lies to the American public until we bite the bullet and finally take away her internet access. You know, for the good of America.

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