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‘A moment of pure ecstasy for you’: Donald Trump gifts Marjorie a Dear Diary moment, forgetting their hypocrisy is on neon display

Marj is having her moment in the Trump-light.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Laken Riley
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

While you are getting ready to enjoy a cozy evening, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is grasping at straws, looking for that one ray of affection from Donald Trump after he dumped her from his fictional Vice-President list. And she finally has one…even if it only serves to color her barely concealed hypocrisy in neon.

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Donald Trump and team are still very much hung up over how well President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech went. So, when the ex-POTUS sat down for an interview, he made sure to mention the speech and once again used 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley’s tragic death to target Biden, claiming that if Marjorie had not “shamed” the president (we know what really happened) he would not have said it and pointed out how Biden said the wrong name.

There was a lot more Trump said during the interview, especially about Riley’s death and her family, but Marj, swooning over the almost-praise, went ahead, laser-focused on the section where her favorite candidate uttered her name, and posted it.

You know what Marj? I am happy for you – finding crumbs of approval after inadvertently killing your chances of becoming Trump’s mate is definitely a moment of celebration. 

But it comes at the cost of the display of her and her hero’s blatant hypocrisy as well as their refusal to be ashamed about using Riley’s death for their political gains – not everyone is ready to let it slide.

During Trump’s rally in Georgia, Marjorie not only said the incorrect name, but also admitted that while heckling Biden during his State of Union address, she mispronounced the name as she demanded Biden to say it.

As for Trump, all you have to do is zoom in on the picture of the group photo of him with Riley’s family when he met them. If you manage to get past the fact that Riley’s family is allowing someone like Trump to use her death for his gain and are happily posing with a picture of their deceased child that the former president has insensitively autographed, you will see that he spelled her name as “Lakan” on the poster.

But expecting Trump and team to indulge in some self-introspection would be asking too much from individuals who have long suppressed their morals and empathy in exchange for the greed of power and wealth. Expecting change from them is akin to demanding the sun to stop being a blistering ball of heat – we have to be the ones to open our eyes and not blind ourselves to the true agenda of the promises they make.

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