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‘An elderly man afraid to debate a woman’: Stephen King delivers Donald Trump the ultimate playground bully blow

If you're too chicken to play, you don't get to make the rules.

'An elderly man afraid to debate a woman': Stephen King delivers Donald Trump the ultimate playground bully blow
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images/ John Lamparski/WireImage

In every playground, there’s that one child who, when the game doesn’t go their way, decides either to change the rules or storm off.

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As adults, we roll our eyes at such immature antics. But when it’s a former president engaging in this behavior, it’s not so funny. Enter Donald Trump, the septuagenarian toddler who, as Stephen King so aptly put it, is displaying some majorly “chickensh*t” behavior. 

King’s scathing tweet perfectly encapsulates Trump’s latest temper tantrum. After agreeing to debate Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, on ABC, Trump camp has now backed out, claiming they’ll only appear on the oh-so-impartial Fox News. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that the big bad Donald is scared of facing off against a brilliant, accomplished woman without his sycophantic cronies there to protect him? That he needs the softball questions and adoring audience of Fox to shield him from the humiliation of being outclassed by Harris on a level playing field? 

This is the same guy who loves to mock others as “weak,” “losers,” and “haters.” But when the tables are turned, suddenly he’s all excuses and evasion. King sees right through this cowardly charade. Well, he is best known for his horror novels, not necessarily stories about schoolyard scuffles. That said, a common theme in many of his works is the exploration of the darker aspects of human nature – the fears, the weaknesses, the moral failings. Trump’s actions, in King’s eyes, seem to fit this mold – the strongman who’s really just a scared man, the would-be alpha who becomes a whimpering pup when challenged. It’s a different brand of horror than killer clowns or undead pets, but it’s no less chilling. In fact, it might be more so, because it’s real.

Trump’s blustering bravado seems to vanish when challenged by formidable females, from Hillary Clinton, to Nancy Pelosi, to now Kamala. Harris’ team certainly thinks so. “It’s interesting how ‘any time, any place’ becomes ‘one specific time, one specific safe space,'” as she astutely pointed out. Trump claims his Fox farce will have rules “similar” to the Biden debate. So was the rule there “make sure the other guy looks worse than me by being an incoherent, red-faced mess?” Even with that ultra-low bar, there’s no guarantee Donny won’t devolve into a sputtering, sweaty disaster without his Fox News binky. And with polls tightening, another weak showing could be a huge liability.

Meanwhile, Harris is taking the high road, but not letting Trump off the hook. She says she’ll be at the September 10th debate as planned. If Trump doesn’t show, he’ll be proving her point – and King’s. Leaders show up. Cowards chicken out.

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