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‘Big boy went down like a sack of taters’: Republicans are now punching each other in public as the stench of their party reaches ‘Dump Trump’ levels

Visual proof that the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images

This is one of those things that needs to be seen to be believed. A fistfight of epic proportions broke out on Jan. 5 at the Saline County Republican Committee meeting following an apparent insult about a woman’s choice in jewelry. Even lower-level Republicans seem to be following Donald Trump’s lead and getting about as down and dirty as they could get, fisticuffs and all.

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Saline County, by the way, is in the heart of Arkansas. According to the Arkansas Times, the fight was between a short man who loves lifting weights named Jimmy Cavin and a very big man in overalls named Jon Newcomb as seen in a clip of the incident.

The Saline County Republicans have been embroiled in historic levels of infighting over just how far right they should go. The meeting, held at the Benton Senior Citizens’ Center, turned into a scene that wouldn’t be out of place on Worldstar, a popular account that shows dramatic all-out brawls. Take a look:

There’s not a ton of context in the video. We hear someone yell, “You do not threaten her!” while a voice off-screen demands order. Cavin, the shorter man, makes an aggressive gesture to the big man as he walks toward him. When they face off, Cavin cocks his arm back and delivers a blow so hard the big man “went down like a sack of taters,” per one comment under the vid on X.

Another commenter pointed out the irony of a party that spews violent rhetoric and is surprised when it leads to violence:

“Is there anything funnier, yet strangely mystifying, than MAGA/Republicans being shocked that their toxic rhetoric leads to violence. So many of them speak in such hateful, angry language and yet they’re aghast when it leads to violence. It’s an oblivious a**hat of a party now.”

So why did things get so out of hand? Cavin said it started because of an uncouth remark made about a woman’s nose ring. When it was all said and done, Cavin’s pink shirt was ripped from his body. In his statement, he calls the taller man a SCRC member named Jon Newc who evidently “has a reputation for being a bully and for outrageous behavior at meetings.” At the meeting, he started behaving rudely, which soon escalated to “yelling at, cursing, and flipping off several attendees during the meeting. He particularly focused on a lady by the name of Kandi Cox.”

Cavin said the big man told Cox, who is a “wonderful lady doing miracles in our State and is beloved in the community,” to “polish her nose ring” after flipping her off. Pretty wild stuff. Oh, and Cavin also wants you to know that if anyone has a problem with what he did, he wants to make one thing “crystal clear:”

“I…..DO…..NOT…..CARE…..PERIOD.” Indeed.

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