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Did Donald Trump’s nephew Fred Trump really endorse Kamala Harris for President?

It's bad when your own family disowns you.

Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

If you ever doubted for even a second that Donald Trump was not a nice person despite the GOP’s insistence to the contrary, just remember that the people who hate Donald Trump the most are not his political adversaries, but the people who are his own flesh and blood.

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Even trying to list off some of the former Tweeter-in-Chief’s shortcomings and unlawful actions will exhaust every adjective in the dictionary and still barely manage to scratch the surface. Would you begin with his first action, the Islamophobic travel ban that brought about wide international condemnation? What about his isolationist policies, including his withdrawal from many transnational accords like the Paris Agreement climate change plan?

And if that isn’t enough, we could refer to the time when Trump was impeached… twice. There’s also the fact that Trump refused to concede in the 2020 election, instigating an insurrection on January 6, and in the process alienating some of his closest allies, like former Vice President Mike Pence. We could go on and on, but the point is simple; Trump is a terrible choice for president.

Now, would that the rest of the Republican party and many MAGA enthusiasts saw it this way, too. And hey, they don’t even have to take the opposition’s word for it, because Trump is estranged even among his closest kin.

Did Trump’s nephew Fred Trump endorse Kamala Harris?

In a surprising and yet not-so-surprising development, Trump’s nephew, Fred Trump, has fully endorsed Kamala Harris.

In Fred’s own words, “I believe in policy over politics. And without question, Kamala Harris’ policies are what I get behind. So I will be voting for Kamala Harris. And if I’m asked, I will campaign for her without hesitation.”

Fred Trump also recently related the horrible story of how Trump told him his disabled son should just die. Fred wrote about his experience in full in a new Time article. It’s an interesting read on the mentality of the would-be president, highlighting just how deranged and out of touch he could be even with his extended family. Fred also discusses this briefly in a video interview, which you can check out below.

I don’t think anyone needs to spell out all the terrible implications of this story. Trump’s bid for power in 2024 is about more than securing the office, so perhaps it’s time for everyone to truly reflect on his legacy as one of the most polarizing and unfit presidents in history. We’re not exactly saying that his first executive order will be to round up and kill all disabled people, but his views on the matter will certainly influence the quality of life these people are going to have under his leadership.

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