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Did Kristi Noem really kill her family goat because it smelled and chased her children? Donald Trump’s potential running mate, explained

She really is a bottom of the barrel politician.

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Warning: This article contains disturbing mentions of animal abuse, please proceed with caution.

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Donald Trump’s potential running mate really is sounding more and more like a straight up villain at this point, after proudly proclaiming that she is a serial animal killer.

Puppy killer Kristi Noem was allegedly in the running to be Trump’s VP — apparently Cruella De Vil and Lucifer himself were also being considered for the position by the business mogul but they were both too liberal. Anyways, Noem’s public admission that she shot a puppy to death may have since damaged her chances according to an article from the New York Post. But it gets worse, according to her book, No Going Back, that same day she killed the puppy, she also killed a goat.

Why did Kristi Noem kill her family goat?

Noem loudly and proudly boasts about the second instance of animal cruelty as if the first one wasn’t bad enough. After killing the family dog it seems she had gotten a taste for innocent animal blood going on a killing spree and killing a goat too. An article from The Guardian reports that in the book, she justifies killing the goat because it was “nasty and mean” and it also smelled “disgusting, musky, and rancid.” That just doesn’t make sense though, because Donald Trump is nasty, mean, and he most likely smells rancid too, and yet Noem was seemingly willing to be his running mate.

She goes on to claim that the goat “loved to chase” her children and would ruin their clothes. Oh, well, that totally justifies killing it then. I suppose the idea of sending the goat to a new home where there aren’t any children, and experienced farmers can look after it just doesn’t sound as fun as enacting her god-given right to shoot the defenseless animal at point blank range.

In her book, Noem goes into pretty excruciating detail as to how the whole scenario played out. Apparently she dragged it to the gravel pit, but the goat jumped as she fired meaning she didn’t kill it instantly — she then went back to her truck to get another shell and quickly returned to finish the job. This may have impressed Donald enough to consider her for VP but she really blew her chances by going public with this information – even he is smart enough to know that admitting to something like that is not a good look for an election campaign.

The fact that she doesn’t seem to realize that the goat and puppy story make her look really bad just goes to show how out of touch she really is. It’s actually borderline psychopathic, if this is the stuff she readily admits to, just think about the stuff she doesn’t admit. Look, all I’m saying is, if people start going missing in South Dakota, the first place investigators should check is Kristi Noem’s property.

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