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Donald Trump, a man who doesn’t know the difference between ‘insure’ and ‘ensure,’ feels qualified to be president

He doesn’t know how to spell ‘indicted,’ either. Spoiler alert: It’s not INDICATED.

Donald Trump Plays Tennis At Mar-A-Lago
Photo by Davidoff Studios/Getty Images

We’d say it’s been a rough week for Donald Trump, but at this point in the game, after these many lies, cheats, and steals, it’s always a rough week for the big DT (or should we say small).

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There’s really not much left to be said about how unfit Trump is for office but we’ll toss one at you anyway. The man is running for president again in 2024, in case you didn’t already know. Much like a cockroach, he keeps on kicking. Getting impeached twice hasn’t stopped him, getting accused of inciting an insurrection hasn’t stopped him, trying to overthrow an election hasn’t stopped him, and getting indicted and arrested on 34 counts of criminal tax fraud hasn’t tamed the flame in his heart. 

The guy has stamina, we’ll give him that, but the same can’t be said about his spelling skills. In today’s episode of “Are you sure we’re not in the Twilight Zone?” Trump took Truth Social to showcase just how far his literary skills go. Spoiler alert: it’s about as far as Marjorie Taylor Greene can bear to be apart from him, i.e. not far at all. Keep in mind, this guy was once our president. 

Screengrab via Truth Social/@realDonaldTrump

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Trump didn’t write that out himself, someone else didn’t know the difference between “insure” and “ensure.” You are correct, and if that didn’t already tell you all you needed to know about his base, we don’t know what else to tell you. But here’s this anyway: 

Trump’s insure vs. ensure blooper isn’t the first time his intellect has been called into question. As a matter of fact, we’d be here all day if we had to list them all out. So, we’ll just leave you with the ones that matter. 

For starters, there was that one time he misspelled the word ‘counsel,’ a word Chris Evans pointed out Trump should’ve been looking at on a daily basis in his morning briefings, but instead probably never actually saw it in print because he doesn’t read.


But hey, the ‘s’ is right next to the ‘c’ on the keyboard. Maybe that was a mistake. Well, the ‘l’ and the ‘e’ are pretty far apart and that didn’t stop Trump from confusing ‘roll’ with ‘role.’ (This man was president for four years, people. Four years.) 

Then, of course, there was his loose vs. lose misspelling. To be fair, he probably thought two “o’s’ elongated the vowel, but if memory serves, that was taught somewhere around elementary school, not the White House. 

Now, we’re not going to keep you here all day, so we’ll just end with some of the more recent fumbles, in case you had it in your head that it was just Twitter messing with him. We present to you the Truth Social blunder made just mere minutes after learning he’d become the first president in U.S. history to be indicted (not “indicated”) for over 30 counts of criminal tax fraud.

Screengrab via Truth Social/@realDonaldTrump

And to close things out because we promised not to keep you here all day, we leave you with his infamous “covefefe” flub in 2017 where he said, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”… That’s it. Just “covefefe.” He typed that out, thought “Yup that’s about right,” and hit publish.

To top it off, his White House Press Secretary at the time, Sean Spicer, supported Trump’s use of the non-word, saying “I think the President and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.” That about sums up things nicely, wouldn’t you say?

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