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Donald Trump Jr.’s Biden attack backfires as onlookers remind him that his father is an intellectual dump truck

Trump keeps trying to bat away imaginary adversaries when his true enemies walk alongside him.

Donald Trump Jr. compares Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin
Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Shannon Stapleton-Pool/Getty Images

It is clear that in terms of passing his legacy to his children, Donald Trump has only managed to curse them with his inability to put words together in any vicinity of what’s sensible, logical, or even remotely intelligent.

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Now, that’s not Donald Trump Jr.’s fault. Prolonged exposure to the ex-U.S. president does tend to corrode brain cells — as proven by the ever-derailing thought trains of many MAGA supporters, and of course, the prime Trump fan, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), though it would be blatant injustice to blame the former POTUS for her ever-steady baboon status, or her concerning preference to find inspiration in the men’s washroom.

But back to the seemingly clueless junior D. Trump, who spends his free time (of which he seems to have an abundance) defending his dear father by simply attacking Joe Biden for everything under the sun. In a fresh tweet, Trump sat down to praise Russian President Vladimir Putin after the kleptocratic dictator’s recent appearance in an interview with ex-Fox News toady Tucker Carlson. The long, patience-testing session found itself as a means for Carlson to butter up Putin, and for the latter to dump his ungrounded and often deplorable explanations regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a brutal and insensible campaign now going on its third year. 

For Trump Jr., though, it was practically love at first sight, as he can’t stop gushing about Putin’s intellect, or worrying how Biden has a “terrifying” future ahead of him in terms of “outwitting” the Russian president.

Of course, Junior would have been free to point fingers, if not for the simple fact that his father — the first indicted ex-president in U.S. history — forgets things rather frequently. Nope, I’m not even talking about DJT conveniently having no memory of ever meeting E. Jean Carroll, even after a federal jury found him guilty of sexually assaulting her. Trump’s memory loss ranges from questioning where he is at any given moment, to permanently forgetting that there is a nifty thing called “grammar.”

Well, while Junior, who is clearly taking after his idol, may have forgotten the sins of his father, others haven’t…

And we have a winner — the bitter pill of truth everyone in Trumpland refuses to swallow.

Since he is so confident about Putin’s prowess, I would like to jog Trump Jr.’s foggy memory: Remember the 2018 Helsinki summit? Putin really did outwit Daddy dearest, who was left taking Russia’s side over America’s intelligence community — a moment that was widely seen as “disgraceful” and “embarrassing” — and it only got worse when the then-U.S. President rushed to do his usual brand of poorly-framed damage control?

No? Conveniently forgot it, like Trump senior? Bravo, Junior. Frankly, we expected nothing less.

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