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Donald Trump went on a podcast and said he was ‘basically a truthful person’ and the laughter was instantaneous

At this point, it's just embarrassing.

Donald Trump
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Donald Trump is arguably the most notorious liar of a generation, a man who’s reputation has become so enmeshed with untruths they’ve become inescapable.

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He’s spent nearly a decade lying through his teeth at every opportunity, with an unmatched skill developed over a good 60 years of rampant dishonesty. He’s been training for this his whole life, while he dodged taxes, refused to pay contractors, deceived his wives, and boasted perfidiously to anyone that would listen.

That reputation is patently Trump, which made his recent comments on a podcast all the more absurd. The former president and unabashed grifter sat down with stand-up comedians Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh for their humorous podcast Flagrant, and one sound bite, in particular, quickly made waves online.

That sound bite sees Trump, in a truly hilarious moment of pure, unfiltered hypocrisy, voice support for “some kind of a rule, when they know it’s a lie you can’t do a commercial on it.” Oh, you mean like when you claimed immigrants in Springfield were eating pets? Or when you claimed you won the 2020 election? Or when you engaged in a years-long campaign against then-President Barack Obama, claiming he wasn’t born in the United States?

The best part of the interview was still to come, however, and saw the professional perjurer dub himself “basically a truthful person.” That utter hogwash is gold all on its own, but it’s the reaction of the podcast hosts that really made it into a viral moment. In response to the 78-year-old’s absurdly untrue statement, both hosts burst out laughing, with one asking through chuckles “what does that mean?”

The claim is so patently false, so hilariously trumped up, it practically boggles the mind, issued as it was from the mouth of the longtime Deceiver-in-Chief. Listing every one of Trump’s untruths would literally take days, but just in case you’ve forgotten, let’s take a little stroll down memory lane.

It seems best to start with a straightforward acknowledgement that, according to the Washington Post ‘Fact Checker’ team, Trump had told a mind-boggling 30,573 lies across four years, and that was back in 2021. Over the three years that followed that report, his propensity for dishonesty has only grown, cranking up that number immensely.

Now that we’ve covered the fact that Trump has told literally tens of thousands of lies in the last few years alone, let’s dig into some of his biggest untruths. There are the major, country-changing ones: That the 2020 election was stolen, and he actually won the vote, that he didn’t send COVID-19 tests to Vladimir Putin during the worst pandemic in modern memory (he did), and that no one died during the attempted insurrection (that he stoked) on Jan. 6, 2021.

That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the lies this man has touted. He claimed bleach could cure COVID-19, that FEMA ran out of money because President Biden was giving it all to immigrants, that people in Ohio are eating dogs, that babies are being aborted after birth (that’s called murder, bud), that he “did nothing” to deserve his mounting felony convictions, or that he deserves credit for lowered insulin costs (that credit goes to Biden). One more lie was added to the list with that podcast appearance, and it may be the biggest of them all — only Trump, notorious fraudster that he is, would stack a lie on top of a lie by claiming that he’s a truthful person.

It boggles the mind to consider what motivated Trump to utter such an unabashedly and easily proven falsehood. Is he simply so high on his own fumes that he genuinely believes his own BS? Or does he think so little of the American public that he believes we don’t see right through him and his pasty, paper-thin skin? Regardless of what’s going on behind those greedy, heartless eyes, Trump has made one thing clear, over nearly a decade in politics — we can’t trust a word that comes out of his sphincter-shaped mouth.

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