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‘He’s going to make a clown of himself’: Marjorie Taylor Greene shares her Donald Trump debate prediction and is immediately called ‘completely stupid’

Greene is going for poorly shielded painful honesty now.

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate result
Photo by Alex Wong/Samuel Corum/Getty Images

As Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) finds it impossible to string together two logical sentences, it would be bordering on cruelty to expect the Congresswoman to employ subtlety. But since we are now fewer than 24 hours away from the Donald Trump vs Joe Biden debate — one that Greene and the ex-president ostensibly wanted to happen — all bets are off.

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I don’t know if you have been keeping an ear out for Trump’s latest rallies and appearances, but of late, his words have gotten even more wobbly, his chain of thought glitching with alarming frequency, and his ability to be coherent has dropped like a stone in the same sea where he was apparently “killed.” But of course, Greene can’t exactly come out and openly predict the disaster she (and every Republican) expects from their presidential candidate — not even with the debate playing a big role in the November 2024 elections.

So? So, she does what she loves accomplishing with zero finesse and maximum volume — blame others in advance, and set the stage for playing victim later.

For a tiringly long time, Trump has been screaming at whoever would listen that Biden is incapable of such things as being president, talking, or even physically exiting a stage on his own. Just a few weeks ago, the president of the United States of America was the “worst debater” ever, per Trump.

But now, Trump is changing his tune — Biden is now a “worthy” competitor who should not be underestimated as he will come prepared. And of course, his supporters make up the chorus, dividing their forces between claiming Biden is going to be a little too ready for the debate, somehow, and underlining that the whole event will be rigged anyway, so MAGA onlookers shouldn’t be surprised if Trump loses to the current president.

Clearly, Greene has joined Camp No Brain Maximum Blame Game. But why this sudden deviation in how Team Trump has been portraying Biden? Why has their definition of Biden shifted from senile old man incapable of even breathing right, to an opponent who is not only going to be well-prepared, but is also cleverly arming himself with Trump haters — and, if Republicans’ tall tales are to be believed, with performance-enhancing drugs — in order to win?

Are the Republicans bracing themselves for the worst? Did they learn from the State of the Union, which Biden aced with surprising ease and a cheeky smile in Greene’s direction, since residents of Trumpland had painted him as a mentally confused, declining old man? The only thing that can be said with certainty is that Greene and her ilk are relentlessly setting up a narrative that the debate — again, one Trump voluntarily agreed to — is already stacked against him. This suggests that the GOP is scared, and has zero confidence in their convicted felon.

These words are not of supporters who believe in their candidate — these are fears of dejected individuals who know their choice has already lost.

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