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‘His brains are turning to mush’: Stephen King has a Donald Trump update, and spoiler alert: things are looking grim

The Master of Horror calls ‘em like he sees ’em!

Donald Trump and Stephen King
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images (Left) Photo by Olivia Wong/Getty Images (Right)

Can we all just admit at this point that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has lost his mind? Or maybe he never had one to begin with, either way, it’s clear as day that the former president no longer possesses the mental facilities to run a country.

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His descent into madness has been obvious for a while, but every now and then it’s just worth putting out a PSA informing people that Trump is still a lunatic. That’s why we have to be grateful for celebrities like Stephen King, who often takes time out of his busy schedule writing books to criticize the convicted felon on X. The horror author has become the bane of many MAGA cultist’s lives as he always has something to say about Trump, and it’s never good.

In his latest post, King expressed concern for Donald Trump’s declining mental state, claiming “his brains are turning to mush,” after the businessman mistook a wildlife refuge in Alaska for an Afghan air base.

Now I’m no geography expert, and I’ll admit, I’ve never been to Afghanistan or Alaska, but from what I’ve heard, the two regions are pretty distinguishable from one another. It would be hard to mix them up. Speaking at the town hall in Flint, Michigan on Tuesday, Trump misspoke when boasting about getting drilling approval in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, referring to it as “Bagram Airfield” before tripping over his words and trying to correct himself.

To be fair to him, they’re only several thousand miles apart, so it’s an easy mistake to make. And don’t get me started on how easy it is to mix up those names, I always somehow end up saying Bagram Airfield when I mean the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!

If Joe Biden had said this, it would be everywhere

Anyways, like it or not, King has a point; Trump’s brains are becoming mushier than the contents of his diaper. Do we really want this man in charge when he’s making mistakes like this? His recent comments about Springfield, Ohio and the pet-eating immigrants only serves to further prove his lunacy. If this were Joe Biden, it would be all over the media with calls for him to resign, so why do the same rules not apply to Donald?

Usually the replies underneath King’s posts are swarmed with Trump supporters, both human and bot, defending their leader, but it seems even they can’t muster up an argument against the author this time. Most of the replies agree with him, with many wondering if Trump’s mind was even sound enough to run the country eight years ago, let alone now.

Let’s remind ourselves that Trump is 78 years old, and if he were to become president a second time, he would be 82 by the time he leaves office. If you think he’s bad now, imagine what he’d be like in four years’ time – he’s turning senile right in front of our eyes! Maybe we could put him in a fake White House with a golf course on the front lawn, and just let him think he’d won the election.

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