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Lauren ‘maybe you were out chest-feeding’ Boebert puts her homophobia on fully display after telling bombastic, brazen lie

Bobo has done another no-no.

Lauren Boebert
Photo by Andrea Renault/Star Max/GC Images

Every day, we think MAGA’s most deplorable members have reached their lowest points, and every day they prove us wrong. It seems there’s no low the likes of Lauren Boebert won’t sink to despite the Colorado congresswoman’s rapidly dwindling support even among her own party.

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To be fair, Boebert’s never seen a day of actual productivity in her life, instead spending her time in Congress groping people, ignoring her son’s crime spree, and attempting to take credit for successes she was in no way involved with. It’s the latter that’s landed her on the blacklist of nearly everyone, however, after Boebert tried to worm her way into praise for an infrastructure win she voted against.

Boebert has no actual wins on her plate, leaving her to root around for anything praiseworthy she can latch onto. Following the Beetlejuice incident, her name became synonymous with pathetic Republican scandals, and now it’s also synonymous with brazen homophobia and despicable lies.

The utterly odious representative earned condemnation from both the White House and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg after she made a pitiful attempt to attach herself to a recent legislative victory that saw Glenwood Springs’ South Bridge successfully funded. Glenwood Springs, a city in western Colorado, required the bridge to provide a “new route” aimed at improving “emergency evacuation, emergency service access, and local land use access.”

Boebert, as a Colorado representative, was quick to latch onto the victory, stating in a tweet that her “support has helped make this project a reality.” Her attempt to claim credit didn’t slip past the White House or Buttigieg, however, both of whom were quick to expose the shameful lie. The White House kicked things off, noting in a tweet that, “One thing about Congressional Republicans…they’re going to take credit for investments they voted against.”

Buttigieg was even more straightforward in his callout of Boebert’s lies, tweeting out his own debunking with a straightforward assertion that the project was funded “using President Biden’s infrastructure package, which you voted against.”

Well, Boebert couldn’t have that, now could she? Rather than walk back the lie, she attempted to pivot the conversation back to Buttigieg and even threw in some classic homophobia for good measure. Her response leaned into the lie, hilariously neglecting to mention that the letter she cites was sent after the bill was passed as she attempted to wield a medically effective infant bonding method as a weapon.

Boebert hit back with a reference to a letter she wrote to Buttigieg in June of 2022, but neglected to mention that the letter was sent right around a year after the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act came up for a vote. Bobo was among 201 Republicans who attempted to block the legislation’s passage, but she forgot all about that when working to leech credit from the people who actually brought it to life.

The slimy, red-lipped ghoul of a representative also tossed a would-be insult Buttigieg’s way, all based around an altered image and her own bigoted perspective. She lashed out at the 42-year-old by insinuating that he was busy “chest-feeding” rather than working, but her reference to the practice is not only based on fake news, it’s also wildly influenced by her own limited worldview.

To start, chest-feeding is a real method used by men, typically nonbinary or trans men, to bond with, and feed, their babies. According to Healthline, it involves “feeding your baby milk from your chest.” The term “breastfeeding” simply doesn’t apply to everyone who provides milk for their children, and so this term is used as a more inclusive and all-encompassing phrase. It’s also a wonderful practice that allows everyone, regardless of gender identity, to take part in their baby’s feeding. It’s thus a weird target for Ms. “fetus lives matter more than women’s lives” to latch onto, given her rampant support for infant rights, but apparently babies only deserve to be fed by mammary glands that identify as female.

Boebert clearly based her so-called “attack” on a debunked image of Buttigieg from 2021, which briefly fooled people without eyes into thinking the politician was seen using a faux-breastfeeding device. Even if the image was real, it would only expose Buttigieg as a *checks notes* good father who wants his kid fed, but the image was promptly exposed as altered by numerous respected organizations.

The homophobia in Boebert’s post is blatant, even as she tries to twist the truth into something that makes her look less like an incompetent and inconsequential liar. Unfortunately, the truth on that matter came out ages ago, and nearly everyone in the nation has Boebert pinned for the disgusting, useless little nincompoop she is.

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