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Losing 900+ votes in one go hits Grandpa Donald Trump hard as NASCAR race bears brunt of his twisted heart’s wishes

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Donald Trump at NASCAR and on 'Human Scum'
Photo by Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images

It is Memorial Day today and Donald Trump is using it to whine loudly about his pathetic life and point fingers at the “human scum” who won’t let him spin his lies again. Yes, instead of honoring the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country, he is using the day to continue his charade of being the victim. Not that he needs any reason, but this time, something triggered his meltdown.

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But what — what prompted him to risk a gag order he has been slapped with more than 20 times and once again defame E. Jean Caroll?

It all started with Trump turning up at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, confident that his manipulation skills would win him their votes, only to find himself out of his depth and out of 900+ votes since just six members have voted for him while the rest — who were either the ones that made him live his worst nightmare or joined those leading the agenda — have made it clear that Trump won’t be getting anything except near-constant ridicule from them.

Oof. That’s gotta hurt.

So, obviously, as he needed something to stroke his bruised and mocked ego, Trump arrived at the NASCAR race event and started posing and waving far far away from the stands filled with countless racing fans eagerly watching the event. Why? Well, so his “propoganda film crew” could edit it to fake that the massive crowd was cheering for the ex-president, though in reality they couldn’t even see that he was there.

And lo and behold, that’s what they did.

Screengrab via Truth Social/@realDonaldTrump

But a quick scroll through X (formerly Twitter) is enough to confirm that his lie didn’t manage to conjure much thunder for the first indicted POTUS, who was otherwise lost saluting everything from Amazing Grace, the civilians, and a plane flying over the field.

So, you see, for perhaps the first time, Trump actually has many reasons to unleash the full wrath of his crazy.

Of course, the exposure of his lies only affects those willing to see the truth because as far as the MAGAs are concerned Bronx does have palm trees, Libertarians are diehard Trump fans, and the NASCAR race was solely organized so that thousands could swoon over the Orange Diaper-Lord.

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