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Marjorie Taylor Greene just said that convicted felon and twice-impeached corrupt predator Donald Trump has a ‘record of success’

Oh so close Marj, you must mean he's got a criminal record.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images (Left) Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images (Right)

Marjorie Taylor Greene is known for her tall tales and made-up facts, but this time she’s gone too far by claiming Donald Trump has a “record of success.” Yes, she really said that, and with a completely straight face too.

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Is this her most outrageous misrepresentation of the truth yet? Probably not, after all, Greene has a record of straight up lying every time she opens her mouth. Anything to please her orange overlord. In this case, the Georgia Rep. shared a clip to X talking about the records and actions by which Kamala Harris and Donald Trump can be judged by.

Greene spoke about how important it was for voters to consider both candidate’s records over the last few years.

“It’s important to get the message out to the voters [about] the real difference between the two candidates in the presidential race, both of them have a record. President Trump has a record for four years, vice president Kamala Harris has a record for nearly four years too.”

I guess she’s not wrong there, Donald Trump does have a record, a criminal record that is. But she goes on to claim in the caption that “President Trump has a record of success” which I really think is a bit of a stretch wouldn’t you agree?

Calling Trump’s record a “success” is Marj’s best joke yet

Trump’s presidency was hardly a perfect example of great leadership, let’s not forget, under his leadership civil unrest in the country exploded, culminating in the US Capitol being stormed by fanatic followers. Also, he rolled back plenty of great Obama-era policies, separated immigrant families, and practically banished climate scientists from Washington.

Sure, I’m not going to sit here and say Donald Trump has never done anything good ever, but if we were to really look at his record, and I mean really look at it, not just cherry pick the good or bad but weigh up the good vs. the bad you’ll find that the scales to more in favor of bad than good. The worst part is, Marj seems to believe that rubbish she’s preaching, in her mind, she probably thinks what she’s saying is true, she probably doesn’t even register the responses to her post calling Trump’s presidency “a total failure.”

In fact a majority of the responses weren’t buying Marj’s spiel about Trump’s perfect record. 

In a way Greene is right, if you don’t know who to vote for, simply look at the candidate’s track record. The bit that confuses me is how anyone can look at Trump’s record and come to the conclusion he is the successful one here.

But alas, these cries for sanity fall upon deaf ears, there’s no reasoning with someone as deluded as Marjorie Taylor Greene, you’ll only drive yourself mad trying to persuade her. She lives in her own world, completely detached from the reality you or I know and understand. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere anytime soon, so all we can do is continue debunking her bogus claims and hoping others don’t fall for her obvious lies.

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