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‘One of the sickest things Trump has ever said’: ‘Unpatriotic’ Donald Trump mocks military veterans, explains how a ‘beautiful woman’ is better than them

At this point, Trump should simply hold his tongue.

(Photo by Adam Gray/Getty Images)

The Tangerine Tyrant (aka Diaper Don aka Donald Trump) has once again unleashed a torrent of verbal diarrhea aimed at our nation’s most revered heroes. He’ll gladly trample on the graves of our fallen warriors if it means securing another four years to plunge our democracy into chaos.

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Speaking at an event at his Bedminster, New Jersey, estate, on Thursday, he had the audacity to claim that the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a civilian honor, is “much better” than the sacred Congressional Medal of Honor bestowed upon our bravest warriors. His asinine rationale? That the Medal of Freedom recipients like Miriam Adelson are “healthy, beautiful” specimens, while those who earn the Medal of Honor are either “in very bad shape” or “dead.” Excuse me while I vomit.

Let’s get one thing straight. The Medal of Freedom, though noteworthy, has found its way around the necks of some rather unsavory characters, like the bloviating bigot Rush Limbaugh. 

Meanwhile, the Medal of Honor is reserved for those extraordinary heroes who have stared death in the face and sacrificed everything for their country. To suggest that one is superior to the other is not just idiotic; it’s a slap in the face to every man and woman who has ever donned a uniform. This verbal vomit is just the latest in a long line of reprehensible remarks spewed by the Cheetos Leader. Remember when he viciously mocked the late Senator John McCain, a man who endured unspeakable torture as a POW in North Vietnam? Trump, a draft-dodger, had the gall to say, “I like people who weren’t captured.”

In 2018, reports surfaced of the former president referring to fallen soldiers as “losers” and “suckers” during a trip to France. He even canceled a visit to the hallowed Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, allegedly because he feared the rain would mess up his carefully coiffed combover. More recently, under the GOP banner, attacks have been launched against Tim Walz, the potential Democratic VP pick, for his military service

This ongoing disdain for military sacrifice seems hypocritical, especially considering Trump’s sudden shifts in allegiance for convenience. Just look at his newfound bromance with Elon Musk, the eccentric billionaire who once called Trump a “dumbass.” So, you can connect the dots as to why the Tangerine Tyrant chose to denigrate veterans while singing the praises of Miriam Adelson. It’s simple: money talks, and BS walks. Adelson and her late husband, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson have pumped a staggering $200 million into Republican coffers, and now her Preserve America PAC is gearing up to shovel even more cash into Trump’s 2024 dumpster fire of a campaign. It doesn’t take a stable genius to see what’s going on here.

Our veterans deserve better than to be degraded and belittled by a man who wouldn’t know sacrifice if it smacked him in his toupee. As Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.” Well, America, the Tangerine Tyrant has shown us just how stupid he can be. Let’s make sure he pays the price at the ballot box.

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