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‘She doesn’t have that best wording with sentences even against Biden does’: Unintelligible MAGA voters try to explain what they don’t like about Kamala Harris

What in the red hell are these idiots talking about?

TikTok MAGA Kamala Harris
Image via luke.beasley.fans/TikTok

Oh boy. Strap yourselves in for this one because it’s going to be a bumpy ride piloted by a trio of unintelligible MAGA voters catastrophically massacring the English language.

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In a post on X (initially posted on TikTok), internet personality Luke Beasley asks three MAGAs, “What do you think of Kamala Harris?” It’s a simple question that should elicit a simple answer. Unfortunately, when the people being asked are complete and utter dimwits, that’s far from being the case.

The first person asked the question was a woman whose response included the garbled line, “Maybe someone needs to check her paperwork, ’cause from what the rumor tells me she’s not supposed to be running for an office.” The second respondent, a man, replied, “We should… she don’t really know stuff about what to do in the capital.” And the third, another gentleman with a single-digit IQ, answered, “She doesn’t have that best wording with sentences even against Biden does,” before ironically suggesting that “She’s very first grade with the way that she speaks.”

Who ordered the word salad? Do these clowns hear themselves? Moreover, do they hear Donald Trump, the man they worship? That is a man who speaks like a first-grader.

The fact that these people get to vote is tragic and terrifying. It’s like they dropped out of school before they even set foot on its grounds, then gained all their political knowledge from Walmart bathroom graffiti. The only thing greater than their lack of self-awareness or nuance is their sheer stupidity.

How did X react?

Thankfully, the universal response in the comments was that of derision aimed towards these colossal morons, with many highlighting the irony of one of the dumbest people ever caught on camera mocking the highly-educated Kamala Harris’ speech.

One user wrote, “The audacity to talk about someone else’s grammar and sentence structure,” while another spoke for everyone by adding their inability to decide “whether to laugh or cry or vomit.”

Other mocking comments included, “I guarantee that each and every one of their family tree’s have one branch,” “How does this guy interview these bozos without laughing his ass off,” “OMG, I never realized, until Trump got elected, how ignorant America is. Listening to these people answering these questions is painful, good Lord!”

Everyone’s favorite of the three? The “fool who commented on her command of the English language.”

Of course, someone pointed out precisely why these people would be Donald Trump fans, writing, “He loves the poorly educated.”

But it is worth noting that, overall, according to Newsweek, Kamala Harris’ approval rating is surging. The publication refers to an analysis of recent polling by the election website FiveThirtyEight conducted on Aug. 8, 2024. It states that Harris’ net favorability rating of -5.5 has substantially improved from July 21, the day Joe Biden pulled out of the presidential race when her rating was -14.6. However, the likelihood of illiterate MAGA dipsticks changing their opinion of her, is, sadly, slim to zero that would require a level of comprehension that is far beyond them.

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