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‘Shutting the polls and stealing ballot boxes’: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s head-scratching assertion about Venezuela’s new ‘Dictator’ raises questions about her support of Trump

In a breathtaking development, Marjorie has apparently become a champion of democracy not just for the U.S., but the entire world.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

I would say that the subtle nuances of reason and common sense usually fly over the head of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), but with her latest assertions, I’m beginning to wonder if she should simply look for a career outside politics… or in a field that doesn’t overly tax one’s mental faculties.

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It doesn’t take all that much for a politician these days to find a little platform on social media and spew nonsensical statements with no repercussions. But to do it almost non-stop, and in a way that continues to surprise and amaze everyone is a talent that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Marjorie Taylor Greene definitely has that knack for public manipulation of her constituents. The far-right House member spends half her time simpering to a proven fascist, and the other half accusing everyone else of being one, not even recognizing the brutal irony of her false proclamations. In this particular case, Taylor Greene, in all her rhetorical brilliance, decided to take a shot at Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, who has just claimed victory in the recent state-controlled election.

“The poor people of Venezuela’s election has been stolen by Dictator Nicolas Maduro,” Marjorie wrote on X, eerily mirroring the words that instigated the January 6 insurrection. “Shutting the polls and stealing ballot boxes and many more tactics were used for Maduro to cling to power.”

Perhaps most telling of all is Taylor Greene’s choice of words there at the end. “You can vote your way into socialism or communism but you have to fight your way out.” Who’s going to tell dear old Marj that it’s not communism or socialism, per se, that she should be on the lookout for? Even Venezuela is a self-proclaimed federal republic, after all, so I guess it’s only when fascistic frauds manage to get into office that they begin to decry the very democratic process that gave them power in the first place. Even Marjorie’s idol and burgeoning wannabe dictator Donald Trump is more Catholic than the Pope when needs must, but we all know what’s awaiting his faithful at the end of that road.

That’s not to say Marjorie is wrong about Maduro, of course. Ever since taking power in 2013, Maduro’s tenure has been marked by dozens of human rights violations, some of which constitute crimes against humanity and the killings of tens of thousands of people. But let’s not pretend that a person who only recently deluded herself into accusing millions of her fellow countrymen of violating the law, and preemptively at that, can begin to fathom what it truly means to live under a dictatorship.

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