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The 15 most hilarious and spot-on memes from President Joe Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump’s debate

All we can do it laugh about it and vote in November

image via CNN

It’s difficult to face just how painful the first presidential debate of 2024 was, and yet, it’s all both sides of the aisle can think about. For the first time in years, the country is bipartisan in its feeling of helplessness, as two geriatrics squabble like children for the greatest seat of power in the world. Between Joe Biden‘s incoherent mumbling, Donald Trump ranting like a lunatic, and both men’s mindless petty bickering, the candidates did little to assure anyone of their mental acuity.

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With no more hope for democracy than they had before the debate, weary constituents trudge to work weighed down by concerns of dementia, incompetence, and a fear of what either of those things in office might mean. While we don’t have any words of condolence to bolster your day or brighten your mood, we diligently scraped social media for the very best hot takes, memes, and comments surrounding the debate. Because if we don’t laugh, we’ll cry.

The best memes from the 2024 Debate

Jon Stewart’s impotent rage more than matches the screaming inside of our hearts and minds in this moment. This truly cant be the best our country has to offer.

The American president is supposed to reflect power and dignity, not pampers and dementia.

It was two hours of hardly coherent ramblings. At this point it feels like a game of roshambo would have been a more effective tool to gauge who was fit to be president. Or maybe going on Hot Ones. At least Sean’s questions would have been hard hitting.

Could Biden have been a little more animated? Trump seemed to think his opponent was on some sort of performance enhancing drugs, but we all know the octogenarian could have used a few more Adderall.

I’m not sure who was more exhausted. Those of us watching from home, or the two grampies up waaay past their bedtime.

Its a horrible moment of Deja Vu, one that leaves voters stuck between a crypt and a coffin.

It’s left a lot of American’s wondering how the heck we ended up in the same situation. I’m sure Bo Burnham had no idea that his song “Biden” would have legs this long.

Biden might not have looked like he knew where he was half the time, but at least he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

When we could hear him, that is.

Even if he wasn’t 100% on point with his vocals, Biden’s expressions proved he was all there, and just as flabbergasted by Trump’s 30 different lies as everyone at home.

But over and over again, all we could think about was how gosh darn old these guys are. I mean, they’re older than microchips, super glue, Mr. Potato Head, credit cards, and even the black box on airplanes.

The duo is the perfect human incarnation of Statler and Waldorf, just not as funny, cute, or poignant.

It’s hard to say which one is more mentally cooked. Maybe we should blame it on climate change, but holes in the atmosphere can’t be entirely to blame.

It was incredibly telling to see that even ardent supporters of Biden were concerned by his performance that night. At least Kamala Harris came in swinging afterwards.

It’s a good thing the VP seems to have her s**t together. America’s going to need a solid Veep if this is how Biden performs.

It’s all fun and games until we really stop to think about it. But when faced with the actual reality of old or older as our future president it’s a little hard to feel like we aren’t all like Joe Biden – just a little bit lost.

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