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‘We all know the answer’: What does Donald Trump do better than everyone else? There is not just one answer

The biggest windbag in history has a pretty impressive resume.

Donald Trump
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Donald Trump, the man who never met a superlative he didn’t like, has a knack for claiming he’s the best at, well, everything.

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In a recent tweet, a hilarious compilation of Trump’s boastful claims was shared, where he can be heard claiming that he knows more about consultants, politicians, and essentially everything else than anyone else. But since he has never even remotely managed to achieve the things he boasts about in the video, it was time to make a list of things he is really, truly, concerningly good at (like selflessly seeking feedback on his status as a nasty pervert).

According to the Twitterverse, there are quite a few things that Trump excels at, and they’re not necessarily what you’d expect. The responses range from the humorous to the scathing, painting a picture of a man whose greatest talents lie in areas that are perhaps not so praiseworthy.

Many pointed out that lying comes naturally to the ex-president. It’s true that throughout his presidency and beyond, Trump has been caught in numerous falsehoods and exaggerations. Who could forget his infamous claim that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, despite photographic evidence to the contrary? Or his insistence that he had a “perfect” phone call with the Ukrainian president, even as a whistleblower complaint and subsequent impeachment inquiry suggested otherwise?

According to The Washington Post, Trump made over 30,573 false or misleading claims during his four years in office, which is an average of 21 lies per day! That’s an impressive feat if you can call it that.

But when Trump’s lies catch up with him and he’s faced with consequences, he quickly pivots to playing the victim. He cries “witch hunt” and “fake news,” painting himself as the target of a vast conspiracy to take him down. Never mind the fact that he’s often the architect of his own downfall, with his reckless behavior and disregard for the law.

Trump’s ability to generate headlines and keep himself in the spotlight, even when it’s for all the wrong reasons, is another area where he truly shines. As one user jokingly suggests, Trump might even claim he knew about Muhammad Ali’s famous “I am the greatest” catchphrase before the boxer himself. It wouldn’t be the first time Trump has taken credit for something he had nothing to do with – just look at his baseless claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race, where he was essentially trying to take credit for a win he did not achieve.

It’s not like he doesn’t already hold a PhD in making such insane and laughable boasts.

And let’s not forget Trump’s business acumen. From the indictment of his company for tax fraud to the allegations of financial impropriety and conflicts of interest, Trump’s record as a businessman is “spotless.”

It’s a fair point, considering the numerous reports of Trump’s businesses filing for bankruptcy and his ongoing struggles with debt. 

He’s claimed to have a staggering $500 million, but as with many of his assertions, this figure seems to have been pulled out of thin air. After all, if he truly possessed such vast wealth, why would he resort to crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to pay for his lavish dinner parties? The answer, of course, is that his claims of financial prowess are just another example of his “Absolute shamelessness,” as one user succinctly put it.

Now, no discussion of Trump’s talents would be complete without mentioning his profound vanity. After all, who else could look in the mirror at that orange-tinted complexion and think, “Yep, nailed it!”?

Others in the comments marvel at his ability to keep his infamous comb-over in place. It takes a special kind of self-assurance (or perhaps self-delusion) and sheer force of man-childlike stubbornness to rock a look that’s been the butt of countless jokes and memes. Or do things like this…

Trump’s continued assertions that he knows more than anyone else about anything is just another example of his pathological need to be the center of attention, to be seen as the smartest, the strongest, the best – in short, his usual power trip of fulfilling his delusional sense of self-importance.

As the old saying goes, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” And in Trump’s case, even saying “little knowledge” seems to be a giant stretch.

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