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‘What a disgusting way to beg for attention and fame’: MAGA journalist gets fact-checked into oblivion after she dares to drag Martin Luther King Jr. into the Donald Trump dumpyard

280-character venom. The stings from the X hornets must have left deep wounds.

Republican presidential nominee, former U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a Fox News Town Hall with Sean Hannity at the New Holland Arena on September 04, 2024 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Trump and Democratic presidential nominee, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris continue to campaign across swing states as polls show a tight race prior to next week’s presidential debate in Philadelphia.
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

If there’s one thing that unites the MAGA mob, it’s their unhinged commitment to idiocy. These delusional dumbasses wouldn’t know a fact if it smacked them in their smug, self-righteous faces. Instead, they spend their days concocting wild conspiracy theories and desperately clawing for any scrap of attention they can get, like the pathetic bottom-feeders they are.

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These elements combined spectacularly when Naomi Wolf, a journalist once lauded for her feminist perspectives, decided to take a steaming dump on the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest heroes in American history, aligning him, of all things, with the tumultuous legacy of Donald Trump. Wolf recounted an incident supposedly taking place in an Uber, where a discussion on civil rights led her to assert that MLK Jr. was a convicted felon. 

“There was a pause,” she noted, which might as well have been the driver processing the absurdity of MAGA logic. Quickly, and rightly so, the Twitter community armed with fact-checking prowess, corrected this gross misrepresentation. As users quickly pointed out through X’s community notes feature, MLK Jr. was never a convicted felon. He was once indicted on a felony charge of tax evasion but was acquitted. The jail time he served was for courageously continuing to demonstrate in the face of an injunction obtained by the racist Commissioner Connor – a misdemeanor, not a felony.

In 1963, Birmingham Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor obtained an injunction against King and other activists, prohibiting them from participating in demonstrations. King, being the fearless leader he was, chose to defy the injunction and was subsequently arrested. This act of civil disobedience was a testament to King’s dedication to the cause of racial equality and his willingness to risk his own freedom for the greater good. He was not a criminal, and to suggest otherwise is an insult to his legacy and the entire civil rights movement.

On the other hand, the MAGA journalist’s dear leader, Donald Trump, is a man who has built his entire political career on racism, bigotry, and the demonization of anyone who dares to stand up to him. He is a white supremacist who has openly incited violence against people of color, a vicious bully who delights in mocking the disabled and the vulnerable, and a wannabe dictator who seems hellbent on turning America into a real-life version of Margaret Atwood’s Gilead. In contrast, MLK Jr. dedicated his life to advocating for the rights of the oppressed, to building bridges of understanding and compassion, and to creating a world where all people could live with dignity and respect. To even suggest a comparison between these two men is an absurdity of the highest order.

Tragically, Wolf’s descent into the fever swamps of conspiracy theories and misinformation is not a recent phenomenon. Once a trailblazing figure in the feminist movement, she has since morphed into a factory of falsehoods, spewing debunked nonsense on topics ranging from Ebola to ISIS beheadings to COVID-19 vaccines. Her Twitter account was unceremoniously yanked offline in 2021 for spreading anti-vaccine propaganda. In the wake of Wolf’s tone-deaf comparison of King to Trump, Bernice King, the daughter of the legendary civil rights leader, took to Twitter to voice her righteous indignation. She also questioned the motive behind dragging her father’s revered legacy into questionable narratives.

It was a mic-drop moment from a woman who has dedicated her life to carrying on her father’s legacy of justice and compassion. Twitter users were equally unimpressed with Wolf’s pathetic attention-seeking antics. One user aptly skewered her actions as a disgusting way to beg for attention, while others eviscerated her deliberate misleading of the public and her reprehensible disservice to King’s memory.

In a world where the MAGA crowd will do anything for a bit of the spotlight, it’s clear that there is no low they won’t stoop to. It is crucial that we remain vigilant against those who would distort history for their own gain. Naomi Wolf’s attempt to drag Martin Luther King Jr. into the cesspool of MAGA politics is a prime example of this dangerous trend.

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