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What is Project 2025 and what are its implications for the future of America?

The question isn't whether democracy will survive, but whether it will be recognized at all.

Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Accountable.US

Project 2025 is a terrifyingly comprehensive plan that could potentially reshape the United States into an unrecognizable version of itself, should a certain former president reclaim the White House.

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The document, titled Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise, which explains the project is a product of The Heritage Foundation, painstakingly put together by a group of former Trump administration officials and conservative thought leaders. Among the key figures behind this plan are former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and senior adviser Stephen Miller, who has been described by critics as a white nationalist.

Apparently, it’s also backed by more than a hundred conservative think tanks, which seem to have forgotten the “think” part, there. These organizations have contributed to the Heritage manual in many ways. According to their report, Project 2025 aims to drastically overhaul the federal government if Trump is re-elected in 2024. It meticulously plans the restructuring of federal departments to realign them with conservative ideologies.

And that means firing thousands of federal workers, through a Trump-era executive order, Schedule F, if they don’t worship Trump and pass the loyalty test.

The number one thing you’re looking for is people that are aligned with the agenda.

John McEntee, Project 2025 senior adviser

We need to flood the zone with conservatives

Paul Dans, Project 2025 director

And it doesn’t end there. Fancy deploying the military to crack down on protesters? Project 2025 has you covered. Want to abolish the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce?That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The plan effectively turns federal funding into a carrot dangled only before those researchers who play nice with conservative ideologies. Kiss goodbye to advancements in renewable energy, breakthroughs in medical treatments, and any hope of addressing the looming climate crisis. But hey, at least we’ll have plenty of studies confirming that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, right? Thanks to the sycophants, we could witness a brain drain of unprecedented proportions, with our brightest minds seeking intellectual asylum in places less hostile to the pursuit of knowledge.

Speaking of knowledge, the plan also calls for ending the FBI’s efforts to combat the spread of misinformation. This move would undoubtedly lead to an even more polarized and divided populace. Further, the project proposes to halt the Pentagon’s diversity and inclusivity initiatives, thereby banning affirmative action as well.

The conservatives also want to extend the powers of the executive branch. Trump is fed up with so many court cases already. So, his loyal supporters have devised a plan to allow him to butcher democracy without any pesky legal repercussions. Under Project 2025, the Department of Justice will be reduced to little more than a lapdog for the President. Trump has already openly claimed that he would prosecute and go after the Bidens once he’s re-elected. A president with unchecked power, an ability to bypass Congress, and a weaponized Department of Justice – it’s like the holy trinity of fascism.

If you’ve made it this far into the article, you might be wondering whether Project 2025 has any special surprises in store for the LGBTQIA+ community. Well, buckle up, because the conservatives have a cursed gift basket of discrimination and oppression just waiting to be unleashed. Project 2025 also aims to drag America back to the dark ages by banning abortion outright. The only acceptable genders will be “male” and “female,” and transgender individuals will face punishment simply for existing. The parallels between the fictional totalitarian regime of Gilead and the vision put forth by Project 2025 are as eerie as they are disturbing.

Of course, this assault on reproductive rights is hardly surprising, given the recent antics of Republican politicians like Katie Britt, who seems to think that the government’s role is to keep tabs on every pregnant person in the nation, like some sort of dystopian Big Brother.

The implications of Project 2025 are both far-reaching and deeply troubling. It essentially provides a roadmap for radically reshaping the U.S. government in the image of a single leader, with little regard for the principles of checks and balances or the rule of law. 

In this scenario, what happens to the United States’ position as a global leader in innovation? It risks becoming the kind of nation that other countries once pitied during the Cold War, where ideology trumped science and the state decided what was true. The Soviet Union loved that model, right up until its own science lagged dangerously behind the West.

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