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What is ‘Title IX’ and why is Team Marjorie Taylor Greene getting bent out of shape over it?

At this pace, they will run out of tears by the time November rolls in.

Title IX in America by Joe Biden
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

A crucial regulation, known as Title IX, is set to undergo some much-needed updates. But, as usual, Republicans are breaking out in hives at the thought of creating a more inclusive society.

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For those who might not be familiar, Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in education. 

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

However, now this law also incorporates the definition of “gender identity” and explicitly includes protections for transgender students, which apparently is a big no-no in the GOP playbook. Heaven forbid we acknowledge that gender identity is a real thing and that everyone deserves to feel safe and respected in school, regardless of how they identify. However according to the likes of Marsha Blackburn and Marjorie Taylor Greene, there are only two genders, and the only way to protect women’s sports is to pretend that trans people don’t exist.

I’m sorry, Marsha, but last I checked, sports were about athleticism, not chromosomes. 

Take the case of Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller, two transgender high school track athletes in Connecticut. Despite the outcry from conservatives, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the state’s policy allowing transgender athletes to compete, stating that there was no evidence that cisgender girls had been denied opportunities as a result.

So, Republicans would rather fearmonger misinformation than actually address the real issues facing women’s sports, like the massive pay disparities between male and female athletes or the lack of media coverage for women’s sports. But sure, let’s focus on the imaginary threat of transgender athletes instead.

The Republican nonsense doesn’t stop there. Look at what Nancy Mace has to say in the tweet thread.

Well, Nancy, I identify as “tired of politicians using their platform to punch down on marginalized communities.” Never mind the fact that transgender people, particularly transgender women of color, face disproportionately high rates of violence and harassment.

But what else is new? This is the same party that has consistently voted against measures to protect victims of sexual assault and harassment, like the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 2021.

For context, in March 2021, the House of Representatives passed a bill to reauthorize the VAWA with some expanded provisions, such as closing the so-called “boyfriend loophole” to prevent dating partners and stalkers from purchasing firearms and extending protections to transgender individuals. However, the bill faced opposition from many Republicans, who argued that the new provisions were too broad and could infringe upon Second Amendment rights. Let’s not forget that the Title IX updates also aim to strengthen protections for victims and ensure that schools handle complaints properly.

Not to be outdone by Nancy, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) also felt the urge to remind us about her limited [re: non-existent] IQ:

Imagine being so threatened by the idea of people living authentically that you feel the need to put a sign outside your office proclaiming your narrow-minded views.

This is the same woman who has compared mask mandates to the Holocaust, claimed that Jewish space lasers started the California wildfires, and suggested that 9/11 was a hoax. Thank you, Marjorie, for that groundbreaking insight. But the world is a bit more complex than your middle school biology textbook, assuming you even made it that far in your education before dropping out to pursue a career in conspiracy theories and bigotry. But sure, Marj, keep putting up your little signs.

Moreover, Republicans claim to be the party of “family values,” but apparently, that only applies to certain types of families.

The Title IX updates also aim to protect all pregnant students. Considering that the U.S. is unusual among the developed countries without paid maternity leave and has a shamefully high maternal mortality rate, you’d think this would be a no-brainer. But I guess Republicans only care about “life” when it’s convenient for their political agenda.

To all the Republicans clutching their pearls – maybe it’s time to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves why you’re so threatened by equality and justice for all. Just a thought.

The new Title IX regulations are set to take effect on Aug. 1, 2024.

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