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What religion is Donald Trump, and what are his religious views?

As with many things Trump, the packaging doesn't always match what's inside.

Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

The Almighty was working overtime on July 13, as former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

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Trump attributed his miraculous survival to having “God on [his] side” in what he called a “providential moment.” Well, ain’t that something! Which god exactly was Trump referring to? The big man upstairs? The flying spaghetti monster? Or perhaps one of those ancient Greek gods he seems to fashion his golden toilet seats after? Personally, if we’re going for a classical mythology reference for Trump, my money’s on Narcissus – seems like he’d look out for his own kind.

All jesting aside, The twice-impeached former prez claims to be a devout Presbyterian Christian, having been baptized and confirmed at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens. Presbyterianism is a mainline Protestant Christian denomination that traces its roots back to Scotland in the 16th century. They subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and believe in the sovereignty of God, the authority of scripture, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone. So pretty standard Christian fare, though with a bit more emphasis on predestination than some other denominations.

Trump’s behavior and rhetoric over the years haven’t exactly screamed “What Would Jesus Do?” Between the alleged affairs with adult film stars, the “grab ’em by the p***y” talk, caging immigrant children, and fomenting an insurrection, you have to wonder if the J-man would really want to claim this guy as one of his faithful flock. Especially after Trump tear-gassed peaceful protesters to awkwardly hold up a Bible upside-down for a photo op. Real subtle messaging there.  

Many have questioned the sincerity and consistency of his faith

It’s hard not to scoff at the sheer hypocrisy of a thrice-married, philandering, lying, cheating, greedy billionaire like Trump claiming to be a champion of traditional Christian values. Trump claimed to attend Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, though the church has stated he is not an active member. He has also shamelessly referred to the Bible as his favorite book, but when pressed, he pathetically struggled to name a favorite verse, or even differentiate between the Old and New Testaments. In 2016, he referred to Second Corinthians as “Two Corinthians,” while speaking to the crowd at Liberty University.

Trump’s relationship with God seems to be purely transactional at best, as exemplified by his recent stunt of hawking signed copies of the Bible for $59.99 a pop. In truth, his brand of Christianity seems to revolve primarily around pandering to evangelical voters, demonizing his opponents as ungodly enemies, and claiming that God personally intervenes on his behalf, whether it’s helping him win an election, or saving him from an assassin’s bullet (never mind the Secret Service agents who actually shielded him). But I guess the Big Guy works in mysterious ways. Like making sure Trump’s spray tan gets applied evenly each morning. Mysterious ways, indeed!

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