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Who is Rep. Lauren Boebert’s husband? Jayson Boebert and his jail time, explained

The gun-loving father of four has a rap sheet as long as his arm.

Lauren Boebert, Jayson Boebert, and their sons
Image via Twitter/Lauren Boebert

In the soup of embarrassing politicians that seems to be flooding America, Lauren Boebert manages to stand out. Sure, she might not have directly protected pedophiles or be a sex offender herself, like some of her Republican colleagues, but she does know how to grab the headlines for all the wrong reasons, and is a serial hater of equal rights for minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.

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Part of Boebert’s anti-appeal is her ability to say and do the wrong thing at precisely the worst possible time, like ranting about gun rights after yet another mass shooting, or her love affair with defending the violent insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol last year. And, like many Republican politicians, her hypocrisy seems to be as boundless as her lack of knowledge about the law. One interesting way this is true is when it comes to her husband, Jayson Boebert – who she remains married to even though he’s been arrested for committing lewd exposure, unlike, say, the vast majority of the LGBTQ+ community who Lauren insists are the ones who want to show off their genitals in public.

So, aside from being a pervert with a rap sheet to rival Snoop Dogg’s, who is Rep. Lauren Boebert’s husband? Here we’ll cover Jayson Boebert and his jail time.

Who is Rep. Lauren Boebert’s husband?

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Jayson Boebert was born in 1980 and grew up in Vegas, but has lived in Colorado for almost twenty years now. A worker in the oil and gas industry, Jayson also ran a restaurant alongside his congresswoman wife, Lauren. The restaurant, Shooters Grill, used the gimmick that all staff carry weapons, and was also known for giving multiple people food poisoning.

Not too much else is known about Jayson’s early life, and although he currently still works in the oil and gas industry (something his wife didn’t declare on her interests form when she became a member of Congress), we don’t know exactly what his job is. However, since he met and married Lauren, a pattern of behavior has emerged showing an angry armed man with a short fuse.

What did Jayson Boebert get arrested for?

Photo via U.S. House of Representatives

In a Jan. 2004 incident, Jayson was arrested and eventually jailed for public indecency. He allegedly went up to two women in a bowling alley in Rifle, CO. —one of whom was a minor — and exposed his penis to them.

As per the arrest report, Boebert overheard a group of young women discussing their tattoos and interjected in their conversation by telling them he had a tattoo on his genitals. According to police accounts the women turned away, but Boebert still came up to them and unzipped his pants, exposing his private parts. He then refused to leave the bowling alley. This was all corroborated by two different witness statements.

Boebert tried to wriggle free of the charge by claiming he’d put his thumb in his pants and pretended it was his penis, but as one of his victims said in her statement: “I know that wasn’t his thumb, because thumbs aren’t six inches long.”

However, being arrested wasn’t the most fateful thing to happen to Jayson that day (especially as it would happen again, multiple times). According to the police report, one Lauren Opal Roberts was listed as a witness to the crime. She claimed she didn’t see anything, although she would almost certainly go on to see Jayson Boebert’s genitals, as they would be married by the next year.

Jayson Boebert pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure. He was sentenced to four days in jail and two years of probation.

Just a few weeks later Jayson was in trouble again, being arrested for domestic violence after getting into an argument with Lauren, who was still a teenager at that point. It was confirmed that he struck her and subjected her to unwanted physical contact, and as a result he spent seven days in jail.

Jayson then managed to go a few years without exposing his penis or attacking a woman, but he did get in trouble again in 2022. After one of his and Lauren’s children was told off by local residents for speeding dangerously in a dune buggy in their residential area, Jayson reportedly threatened his neighbors and even trashed their mailbox, leading to the police being called.

“I’m sure he’s loaded to the hilt. Do you know who his wife is? Lauren Boebert,” said one neighbor, as per the Denver Post.

How did Lauren Boebert meet her husband?

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Although this hasn’t been confirmed by either party, it seems likely that the first time Lauren and Jayson met was during the incident where Jayson exposed his genitals to a group of young women, including a minor. He was arrested weeks later for domestic violence against Lauren, and there’s no prior evidence of them ever having met, so it follows that if they were in something like a relationship when he attacked her, they must have met at the bowling alley.

Has Lauren Boebert been arrested?

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The congresswoman has committed a list of crimes to rival her husband, proving once and for all that like attracts like.

One of her first brushes with the law included charges for third degree assault, criminal mischief, and underage drinking after she scratched Jayson and trashed his home all the way back in 2004, presumably as revenge for the time he’d attacked her. The outcome of that case remains unknown.

In 2010 she was arrested and fined after her pit bulls attacked a neighbor’s dog. She managed to stay out of the back of a police cruiser for the next half a decade, but was arrested again in 2015, this time for disorderly conduct at a country music festival in Colorado. She was put in cuffs after trying to interfere in the arrest of some minors who’d been caught drinking, claiming they hadn’t been read their Miranda rights.

“Lauren continued yelling and causing the underage drinkers to become unruly. Lauren said multiple times that she had friends at Fox News and that the illegal arrest would be national news,” said an arresting officer in their statement at the time. It is unknown if she in fact did have contacts at Fox at the time, seeing as she was working at her and her husband’s restaurant, Shooters Grill. However, because of its gun theme, Fox had profiled the restaurant when it opened, so there is a chance that she was being honest about her connection to the network.

Lauren missed two court appearances in relation to this crime and as a result was arrested again in Dec. 2015, although the initial charge was eventually dismissed. One could argue that she seemed very keen to prove that the police didn’t need defunding as there was plenty of crime being committed, a lot of which by her. Less than a year after her arrest for missing court she was charged with careless driving and operating an unsafe vehicle, and again failed to turn up to be sentenced by the judge. A few months later she was arrested again, but the careless driving charge was dismissed.

Although this pattern of behavior might seem strange from someone who ran under a law and order banner, you could be generous and argue she has changed her ways since being elected. However, her constant defense of Capitol insurrectionists and her petulant fights with Capitol police about walking through House metal detectors show she doesn’t quite back the boys in blue as much as she claims.

Do Lauren and Jayson Boebert have kids?

Image via Lauren Boebert/Twitter

Since getting married in 2005, Lauren and Jayson Boebert have had four children, all sons. While at least one of them has been accused of menacing the Boebert’s local neighborhood by speeding around in a dune buggy, not too much is known about the others. What can be confirmed is that their third was born in Jayson’s car on the way to the hospital, as an excited Lauren told the Aspen Times all the way back in 2009, before any of us had to live in a world where we were aware of the Boeberts’ existence.


We can also be sure that she’s soon to be a grandma. The irony of her son committing statutory rape, considering how much she goes on about the safety of women and girls, isn’t something she’s commented on, either.

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