Far too many people underestimate the importance of a good evening routine. A great dinner can lead to a great mood, while burnt pasta will send you to bed with a dissatisfied frown. Crushing your facewash routine is an express pass to sweet dreams, while a bad moisturizing job can throw a firm wrench into one’s sleeping rhythm.
But if a bottle of bleach explodes in your face after midnight? That’s it. The next several hours do not belong to you. For the time being, you have lost. TikTok‘s @christiesalem knows this struggle all too well.
In the 10-second video, we see Christie—who has apparently left mixed bleach in a closed container—saunter into the bathroom in hopes a late-night dye job. From the moment she begins cracking open the bleach, she already knows that she’s at the mercy of the laws of chemistry. Not even a second after the f-bomb she uses to acknowledge her predicament, the bleach flies right into her face, a large glob of it coating her eye as the internet’s more squeamish denizens immediately turn away. Her repetition of “I need my mom” is perhaps the most relatable mood we’ll see this month.
According to the description, Christie immediately hopped into the shower to remedy this terrifying event, and “terrifying” isn’t used here lightly. According to All About Vision, getting bleach in one’s eye will immediately lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva (i.e. the membrane that coats the inside of the eyelids and the whites of the eyes), and will quickly move on to damaging the eye’s internal components as well. It takes as little as five minutes of direct bleach exposure on the eye to cause permanent damage. In other words, this is an undiluted “I need my mom” situation that Christie has found herself in here.
The description also states that this incident took place five years ago, and by all appearances, Christie thankfully didn’t suffer any long-term effects from this random act of chemical violence. Moral of the story?
Never leave mixed bleach in a closed container, avoid dyeing your hair unless it will drive you crazy if you don’t, definitely avoid dyeing it at 1 am unless you have a personal vendetta against your sleep schedule, and above all, always be ready to call your mom at a moment’s notice. There are few things on this Earth, you see, that can’t be at least partially remedied by a mother’s magic (and a whole lot of rinsing).